Social Question

European jellies: what remnants of feudalism linger in your towns?
It’s hard for Americans to imagine what it’s like to live where the marks of history both go so deep and remain visible on the face of the land.
Last December I saw a jelly (German, I think) remark that as part of his holiday festivity, he had just come from Christmas at the castle. There was no follow-up, but it left me curious.
What relics of medieval feudalism, if any, are still apparent where you live?
• Is there still a special relationship between an ancestral family home and the village or countryside?
• Is the ancestral manor home, castle, or other residence still occupied?
• Are there still ancient laws on the books that require a paying of fines to the lord of the manor for various infractions?
• Are farmlands worked by individual small landholders, or are there still large tracts of property owned by the descendants of former lords?
• Does the church figure prominently as a landowner and local power?
• Are there many buildings, bridges, roads, and other structures that are centuries old? a thousand years?
• Are there local customs and festivities that carry forward traditions dating from those times?
Forgive me if any of my questions are ignorant or based on wrong suppositions. I’m asking out of genuine interest.