[NSFW] When you were growing up, did you ever get caught masturbating by your parent(s)?
This thread got me thinking about growing up and I was amusing myself at the thought of having any sort of discussion about sex with my bio-dad, because that just would never happen. He’s very conservative and traditional and that alone would have made it really weird, so I’m not complaining.
All of a sudden, I had a memory flashback (obviously buried out of mortified embarrassment) of my dad opening my bedroom door one day – without knocking – and walked into my room, catching me in the act. It was a very long, drawn out, mortifying few moments before he figured out what was going on and then made a quick exit.
I know my mom caught me at least once, as well. (hey, I masturbated a lot)
Tell me I’m not the only one that had to endure this intense embarrassment?
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13 Answers
You are not alone. I have been cuaght by my mom, sister, and countless roommates.
Not even once, thank god.
No.—but I did get caught by my boyfriend at the time who came to pick me up for a date—XD
I’ve been caught in that both my mom and dad have walked into my room while I was in the middle of the act, but they didn’t say anything about it and didn’t indicate to me that they were aware of it. Both times it happened, I was facing away from them and sitting at the opposite end of my room. The awkward part is that they came in there to talk to me, so they walk over to where I am and then I have to not only hide everything on my computer, but hide everything down there…ugh…
Still, never had them say anything to me about it. If they knew, they didn’t embarrass me about it.
You are not the only one.
Nope, never been caught in the act.
I only know for a fact that my mother found out where i kept my porn magazines (wasn’t so hard to find as i hid them under my bed and my mum changed my sheets and stuff every now and then).
That was embarrassing too, of course, but less so then actually being caught red handed faced.
As far as I know, they haven’t. I have always shared a room with my younger brother and even if I didn’t, there’s no lock on our door. If being caught is expanded to hearing, they may have at one point or another but never brought it up. That would have made for an awkward conversation (“So what were you really doing in there?”)
I did my best to avoid the issue by exclusively playing with myself at night, when I knew everyone else in the family was asleep an easy task when both of my parents tended to go to bed by 10pm.
I’m sure they were fully aware that I was a wanker, but luckily never saw it.
Not by either of my parents, but my sister did catch me having a go with her my-size Barbi doll when I was 10. Although, I’m not sure she knew what she was seeing…
Nope. My cousin got caught, though. I think he would’ve been 7 or 8? My aunt acted like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were going to come out of his Underoos and gave him a completely unnecessary, and I’m sure traumatizing, punishment.
Probably more times than I know….Oooops….I’ll come back in a bit!! XD
@Sarcasm Respect to you for using the word Wanker.
And for your candour.
I was very nearly caught but not quite, luckily I heard the door handle go and had enough time to dive under the bed covers and claim I was having a quick kip! I did walk in on my brother once though. All he said was “whatever you want, can it wait until I have finished here?” to which I said “of course” and left very quickly. I can’t even remember why I wanted him in the first place!
I’ve never been caught in the act, but once my parents discovered my tools of the trade. I was a teenager who didn’t have much privacy at the time, so I kept things locked in the secondary bathroom that was primarily for me. One day I didn’t put stuff away, so I decided to lock the bathroom door. When I came home from school, my mom told me that they needed to get into the bathroom. She didn’t make a big deal about the discovery, but it one of my most embarrassing moments.
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