Have you heard the news about Cak?
**Asked with the permission of Community Manager**
Have you heard the latest news of our beloved Cak? According to her Facebook page Fluther’s favorite giraffe is in complete remission! While she suffered another medical set back over the summer, she is healing well and rumor has it she cooked a family meal this very evening! Congrats to Cak and her entire family and thank you for sharing the best news I’ve heard all week month quarter year!
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113 Answers
Great news! Cak, if you see this, know you are missed!
Yes I have, but thanks for reminding me. It’s such great news.
Yes. Like I said in another question/thread, her posting has given me some hope (for myself). (I hit an all time low on the weekend).
She is amazing.
I am so elated! Cak is amazing and so missed here. Hearing the good news has had me smiling for the last 24 hours!
Pancakes for EVERYONE!!
That is fantastic and inspirational news!
Oh, thank goodness! No, I hadn’t, but I’ve thought about her every week since she left us last April, hoping and hoping for good news. Thank you, thank you!
These are for cak. And a >>smooch<< for you.
@Jeruba You “people” and your dinky little “store-boughts.” Cak deserves better!
You’re right. This is what I meant.
I didn’t know Cak through Fluther, but Katawagrey has told me and she’s incredibly excited about all this. (Because of school and work she’s only been able to take time here to mod, not participate)
I don’t know Cak but I wish her well and hope to see her back at Fluther soon.
@Jeruba Just the three mountain peaks on the right, you mean? The one on the far left looks a bit shorter than any of the others. That just won’t do, nuh-uh.
I feel like a Bridezilla now.~
Fair call. And here’s what I should have said. This isn’t about me. This is about cak. And she’ll know what I mean.
Woooo! I’m so glad to hear it. Cak is much-missed.
I have, from @Dog on a previous q and you’re right, it was the absolute best news.
Where is @whatthefluther (Gary) at? Cak was asking about him on Facebook. :)
Is she? I will send him this question!
Yes, I saw it on a good news question yesterday.
* * * Y A Y * * *
Yup, I saw her posting on Facebook yesterday. What an amazing bit of news. Finally some good news.
Thanks for sharing it here @SuperMouse.
I lurve that giraffe!!
It is the best news ever! She is such a lovely person, and deserves all the best life has to offer. SO MUCH HAPPY!
Where was this news posted yesterday?
No. I hadn’t heard the news nor do I really even know cak, but… it’s such great news. I wish her absolutely the best and couldn’t be happier for her and everyone who loves her. You know? Good news is good news and we should be happy for everyone who gets some.
@Jeruba It started here. Well, I guess it really started on facebook. :)
Message from cak (via facebook):
“Please tell everyone I said hello. I don’t keep up fast enough to participate yet. My husband has patience, he’s sitting with me, but he’s not fluther ready, yet.”
SO SO SO HAPPY AND EXCITED AND YES! This is amazing :) I lurve me some Cak.
Hip, hip, horrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Oh, thank you thank you for posting this! I hope she’s back soon! Can you tell her how much we all miss her?
I told everyone in my immediate family about her and obviously they have no idea who she is, but, they thought that it was awesome!
Such wonderful news!
Between Fluther and the husband, I hope this comes out the right way. I’ve been getting words backwards today, big time.
I am back and reading. I can’t keep up yet, please don’t be put off if I don’t respond. I am struggling with words probably because I did a lot of physical therapy today. The rehab after the aneurysm (cerebral) has been pretty tough. I know I’m lucky, I’m a couple of months out and have very good care. My husband has been able to take FMLA time and a lot of people donated vacation time to him.
Mostly, it’s just relearning the simple things. I don’t drive to speak of, I can’t make major decisions without talking to my husband, because I’m not always sure what I am doing. My kids have taught me a lot of stuff and so far this week, I’ve cooked mac & cheese and baked chicken. I made sandwiches, but forgot the “fillings” – that’s okay, we all had a good laugh.
I can remember joking and telling my kids they were going to cause an aneurysm one day, but it took a lot of explaining to tell them it had nothing to do with them. Cancer was bad, really bad. This is just very frustrating.
I’m doing a lot of reading and want to respond, but I’m tired tonight. It’s been a busy day.
Thank you for everything, Fluther and to all my friends. I hope that one day I can return the favor. Much love to all, Chris
<3 Our Giraffe is back! <3
@cak – (((((((HUGS!)))))))
@cak You sound like a wonderful lady and I am very happy for your progress.
The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. ~ Hubert Humphrey
@AmWiser And the color orange. Wasn’t that the magical healing color we discussed about a year ago?
@Fred931 sorry, I wasn’t here a year ago. Maybe the post should be researched and posted again.
Horray for cak! She is back!
@AmWiser Everybody turned orange (or yellow because I don’t remember now) for @cak because it was some sort of healing-inducing-sciencey-‘mabob about a year ago.
@cak, it’s so good to see back and hear the good news, it’s almost obscene! Congratulations! We missed you bunches and bunches.
@cak Having you here is better than pumpkin pie!
Oh cak. You have been through so much but have pushedthrough it all. You are an inspiration. It is so good to hear from you- and don’t worry, I’ve forgotten to fill my sandwiches before too :p much much love, and still orange for you too, sending the get better vibes xoxo
Oh cak!! So lovely to hear from you. I don’t come on Fluther much but this is just amazing!
@casheroo You betcha you don’t show up much anymore. Watsap? Or maybe that’s because I’ve been gone for a while until about a month ago.
@cak is back uh huh
@cak is back oh yeah
@cak is back everybodynow
@cak is back
@cak is back
take it to the bridge
<air synthesizer with Flock of Seagulls hair>
Dance a little dance, get down tonight baby! Yea @cak!
That’s it @mama_cakes.
There ya go @chyna.
Wave your tentacles in the air!
Everybody say, “OH” OH!
all fine jellies be lovin’, lurvin’ and lookin’ for the triumphant return of every jellies favorite giraffe…and finally – I say FINALLY….
@cak is back uh
@cak is back c’mon now
@cak is back swim with me people….
It’s so great to see you again @cak
I’m happy that you are better and getting even better all the time!
So so so so so so happy to see you here again @cak :’) We all missed you SO MUCH. <3 <3
This and the marriage proposal threads have made me the happiest of any threads on Fluther, EVER. We love you @cak, and are so glad to have you back! :D
@cak – I know we’re not close or anything, but I never stopped thinking about you and hoping that you were winning the fight. I’m so glad to hear that you came out victorious! You’ve been missed here and it’s so good to see you again!
@Fred931 I just don’t have much time to post, but I usually come on and read. The two kids, plus me in school…it’s hard finding time to myself!
Wow! It’s great to hear from you sweet cak! You are the toughest and sweetest fighter I know, a wonderful source of inspiration to me, and are always in Sherry’s and my thoughts and prayers. And this terrific news comes on the heels of other great news….another dear friend, also a fighter and survivor, who, too, suffered a brain aneurysm just last week, has stabilized what had been a rapidly deteriorating condition. And, although she remains in a coma, her daughter reports she opened her eyes! Sherry and I cried tears of joy for your news, cak, as well as for hers and have commenced upon an all-out celebration in your honor. Continue to hand tough, cak , and keep in touch. Much love and lurve from Sherry & Gary
Thank you @mama_cakes and @Dog for the PMs reporting the great news…I had been away for a few days but caught the email notifications. Thank you so much. And thank you, as well, for everything you do, sweet @augustlan (to whom, for those that do not know, I had sought advice and guidance on my crazy idea or proposing marriage to Sherry by way of a fluther question…who gave me a big thumb’s-up and lots of encouragement and support, as did the other jelly I conferred with, none other than sweet @cak….two remarkable women I respect and cherish with all my heart). Lurve to all!
See ya….Gary/wtf
Pancakes and burritoes!!!!
It’s always inspiring to hear great stories like this. We sometimes get overwhelmed with our everyday problems, like the bille, the kids, the SO, the job, or the whatever. People like @cak or like @whatthefluther Gary, or like many more of my fluther-friends, provide me with so much inspiration…and a fresh perspective on how wonderful life can be.
(Edit to remove typo)
@whatthefluther – Gary, thank you seems so…crap, here’s where the holes are in my memory, there’s a word and I can’t think of it. It just doesn’t seem enough to say to you. The road to recovery from the aneurysm isn’t the easiest thing and downright frustrating, but you learn a lot along the way. I will keep your friend in my thoughts. The worst was not remembering my husband. The moment I put it together, we both laughed and cried, he jokes that I was trying to forget him. The person I thought I was, I’ve learned to be better. The people who support me are my heroes, because when I wanted to throw in the towel, no one gave up on me. Love to you and Sherry, it’s wonderful to see you.
@everyone – Thank you so much. If I could make pancakes for all, I would. Right now my specialty is Eggo’s. I forget what I am doing sometimes when I am cooking. Many burned items in the kitchen. Brave family for trying the food.
^ Lurve!
And leggo my eggo.
I like anything someone else cooks for me.
God I love you people. And pancakes.
Waffles rule, pancakes drool.
Well, Fluther pancakes make me drool. ;)
Do I need to back to Walle-Mart to get the whiners some waffles? Wait, nevermind, I just found some.
Wonderful newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws !
Hi @cak I’ve been having memory problems lately, too. More and more often, in fact. It worries me. But that’s not what I want to talk about.
What I’ve found is that I’ll be writing along and I’ll get to a place and I know there’s the perfect word for it, but I just can’t dredge it out of my mind. Usually I’ll have some idea of what it means, and I’ll come up with a very imperfect synonym. Then I open a new tab, and it’s off to the synonym dictionary for me.
Sometimes I can’t get the word, and then I’ll use the one I have, imperfect as it may be. But sometimes I’ll find it, and that makes me so happy.
It’s odd. The part of my memory that is going is the part that names things. I know what things are, but I can’t name them. People tell me it’s just old age. I don’t know which is worse, though—the idea that it’s old age, or the idea that it could be the meds. You, at least, know exactly where it comes from, and what you can do about it. I wish you the best in your recovery. I look forward to seeing you taking part more often here.
Yeah @wundayatta and @cak , that word thing is a bear. After chemo I lost a lot of words (“geo-political boundary” is very cumbersome when you can’t remember “border”, and finding an easy synonym for “chair”...well, you get the picture.) I, too, lived with my synonym dictionary and found that making lists and doing crosswords really helped me forge new neural pathways. I’m guessing, @cak that crosswords may not be right for you, yet, but the brain has amazing recuperative and coping powers. Hang in there!
@wundayatta and @JilltheTooth – I have been doing a lot of word exercises, including ones with my son. I realized that I’m past the grade he’s in, but wow. From someone that loves words, it’s frustrating. It seems I was just getting back things from chemo, I immediately lost them after the surgery.
@everyone – I had my first full follow-up today. I have one coil that is protruding (dictionary, oh yeah!) and they will be following that and making sure it’s not migrating. Since it was close to my eye (left) I’ve have vision issues and it’s something that might require further surgery for possible blood clots. I won’t know until January, but for now, I’m good. Still get confused, forget what I’m doing and probably need a dry erase board around my neck, but the alternative makes this much more easy to deal with. :)
And, hey, @cak , what better excuse than this for some really funky holiday stuff/ You can do all the goofy shit you’ve ever wanted to do and chalk it up to this!
I also got a small voice recorder for use when I wasn’t near my lists, so I could make a note of stuff that I would forget instantly, otherwise.
@cak Hang in there. I have been searching for things in my memory a lot lately too. I am glad that the follow-up went relatively well. We will hope that more surgery is not necessary.
It’s a hell of a thing to go to your memory bank for a withdrawal and find that not only have all your deposits stopped paying interest but some damned investment manager has been making off with your capital. My vocabulary account used to be my soundest asset; now there’s rarely a day when I don’t discover losses. I’d like to prosecute the bastards, but I can’t remember what
@Jeruba : Nice…(wait a minute…I’m looking it up,,,,) um…er…ANALOGY! that’s it! (I think…)
How did I miss this????
Congratulations, @cak, that’s wonderful news and it’s fantastic to have you back here! We all lurve you, you were missed quite an awful lot. It just wasn’t the same without you! :(
I’m so glad you made a recovery, and I hope to start seeing you around again more! :D
@mangeons : With your current schedule I’m amazed you can swim over here at all these days! (And, hey, you didn’t miss it…here you are, carrying it forward!)
It’s somewhat comforting to hear some of you (mostly around my age) talking about losing the words. Maybe it is what they say—age—and not something more sinister.
What’s a coil?
Incredible threads like this one are why I keep coming back to fluther ♥
@cak ~ even though life has been crazy lately and I’m not on here much, I think about you a lot and keep sending positive vibes your way… this is such wonderful news, and I am so happy for you and your family!
I know it has been over a year since this thread has been around, and that @cak has been here in April of 2011; however, has anyone heard anything from or about her? There is an Askville group (where many of us met her) on Facebook and no one there has heard anything. If a jelly knows anything, please post! Thanks.
Agreed. She (or her husband) no longer seem to respond on Facebook. I wish we knew something.
Nope. Haven’t heard a word, here or on FB, for quite some time. :(
I was thinking about her and wondering too. And about our old friend Gary @whatthefluther. As long as we don’t hear otherwise, we can still be hopeful.
:( Cak… please make a peep.
I do miss Gary. I am afraid his disease has taken him and it is so sad, he is a brilliant mind. Witty, fun and his wife is awesome.
I also asked Auggie recently about Gary and she hadn’t heard anything. :^(
Is anyone friends with Sherry on Facebook? I worry about Gary and Cak!
@SuperMouse Jon tried to reach Gary and Sherry via email several months ago but he never received a reply. :(
Chris has disappeared before and turned up again. I know they have had health problems with their son as well as her own health problems. My guess is that they are focusing on family life and that fluther and Askville and Facebook are unnecessary distractions in a lives where they don’t know how much time they will have with each other. Also, the health issues may take up all their time and energy.
Anyway, that’s what I tell myself. I feel pretty sure that if something really bad did happen, we would find out eventually. I hope so, anyway. In the meantime, I wish them the best.
I had not until now; glad this thread showed up as a Related to a recent Meta question. Hope you are still doing well, cak.
I don’t suppose anyone has heard from wtf?
@wildpotato We haven’t heard from either of them in a long time. :(
On cak’s facebook page there was a “like” for Target and for President Obama. That was before Christmas. I know little about the machinations of facebook, but would like to think that she’s the one who clicked them and that it wasn’t a random thing.
Well, that’s at least something that sounds positive.
I believe both their spouses are aware of their activities on fluther. So I think that eventually we might hear some news, if there was anything dramatic to find out about. No news is good news, I think.
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