General Question

deepseas72's avatar

How do Freemasons perceive homosexuality?

Asked by deepseas72 (1076points) March 30th, 2008

Are gay men welcomed into the organization? Is homosexuality compatible with their beliefs?

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2 Answers

Riser's avatar

I’m a mason, a member of the Beverly Hills lodge and I do not mince words about my sexuality.

cwilbur's avatar

There’s nothing explicitly anti-gay in the membership requirements, but freemasonry requires members to be of good moral character; if the members of a particular lodge are socially conservative and think that homosexuality is a moral failing, they are not likely to admit many gay men.

(I discovered this when my father, a fourth-generation Mason, recommended me to my local lodge; at the time, I was living with a female friend as a roommate, and that was sufficient for them to consider me of inappropriate moral character. If I had tried to explain, it probably would have made things worse. I’m living in a different area now, but I have little inclination to pursue Masonry as a result of that encounter.)

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