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flutherother's avatar

What is the most remarkable coincidence that has ever happened to you?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) October 5th, 2010

Coincidences happen all the time but some are so incredible that they almost take your breath away. What is the most astonishing coincidence that has happened in your life

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8 Answers

MeinTeil's avatar

I went to work and didn’t need to rely on others for support.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Waking up to pitch dark at 4am and feeling like I needed to head over to my sister’s house. She was still warm, but had passed away from terminal cancer. I am thankful to this day that I was there to break the news to her two daughters before they found her. I don’t attribute it to God or some spiritual wake-up call. It was just a coincidence in my opinion.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I saw ruth buzzi three times in one day in la years ago- at breakfast, at lunch, then at another place. just plain wierd

Likeradar's avatar

As a young child on the East Coast, my brother and I had a set of sisters as friends. We moved away over 20 years ago and never kept in touch with them. Now my brother lives on the West Coast. In temple one day, a woman my brother was becoming friends with asked his last name. It was our friend! Her sister lives there too, and now they hang out all the time. The weirdest part is that my brother is a very crunchy raw foodie who’s into meditation. Both sisters are the same way, and none of our parents are.

Seek's avatar

My husband and I moved to the same area within two weeks of each other – he from Illinois to Florida on July 1st, 1993, and me from New York to Florida on July 13th, 1993. We both became “members” of the church (same denomination, different churches) the second week of March of 2001. When he started coming to my church, he sat in my seat. I always sat in the second row from the front, aisle side. Everyone – everyone knew that was my spot. He said he always sat in that place as well, in his other church.

Anyway… strange haps, huh?

iamthemob's avatar

I made good friends with a girl I was on tour in Europe with a choir. We hit nearly all the western countries. A year after, I was looking through some old stuff from a “gifted student” camp that I went to (read – nerd camp). And as I looked at the group picture, I thought I recognized her. I called her…and she had indeed attended the same camp that year. It was small, but we were different enough in ages at that time that we didn’t run into each other. Also, she went by a different nickname.

That was interesting. We lost touch. Two years later, I was at an accepted students event at a college I was looking at. We were in the dining hall getting lunch. An a cappella group came in to do a number, and recruit new members. The person leading the group – the same girl (now a woman). There was much shocked screaming and jumping up and down.

We realized we were meant to be bestys.

We lost touch a couple years later. ;-)

BoBo1946's avatar

My ex and I were delivered by the same doctor! She was 6 years younger than myself.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Too many to mention :)

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