What is your favorite unintentionally funny song?
This question is a spin off prompted by the question about bad bands.
Sometimes you just hear a song that is meant to be meaningful, deep, dramatic, romantic or touching and instead, it’s just hilarious. It might be because it’s overblown, has cheesy music or lyrics, the artist is pretentious or (my personal favorite) it features an artist performing in a language they are clearly not familiar with and the song is not translating at all as intended.
What is your favorite unintentionally hilarious song and why? Links, if possible, please.
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35 Answers
Your love is my drug- Ke$ha
While My Guitar Gently Weeps by George Harrison with the all-time lamest song line ever: “I look at the floor, and I see it needs sweeping.”
@marinelife (alternate lines)
I look at the chickens and see they are peeping?
I look at the willows and see they are weeping?
I look at the ewes and I see they are sheeping?
@lucillelucillelucille I like the B-side to that. “It’s not your baby (Mr. Wanka).... now pissoff! Charming little ballad XD
@ucme -I love Clint Eastwood and want him to sing “Havin’ My baby” while I am havin’ his baby.
@lucillelucillelucille…...& just where exactly does Mr. Shaw fit into these shenanigans? I mean, I know he’s been dead a while but necrophilia can be a hard habit to break :¬)
@ucme-Not when he’s six feet under! XD
Speak the Hungarian rapper – Sometimes people make a war
Search for it on you tube. Must see!!!
Bubbly by Colbie Calliat. I keep thinking she’s doing drugs with the whole “it starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose” nonsense.
Anything R Kelly. Love love love.
“Sex in the kitchen, over by the stove…put you on the counter, by the buttered rolls…”
I mean….come on. Poetry.
@SundayKittens. By the buttered rolls???? Seriously?? That’s a winner.
Limp Bizkit: It’s all terribly hilarious. You can almost hear Fred Durst trying to come up with a rhyme in the studio…
“Sometimes some things turn into dumb things…”
“I did it all for the nookie, so you can take your cookie…”
@perg That man doesn’t appear to be breathing, let alone singing.
Wait, wait! Can’t forget William Shatner! He’s a song-stylist of the first order!
I think any song in which Celine Dion sings “Lurrrrrve” qualifies.
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