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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Where's the oddest place you've applied for a job?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37790points) October 7th, 2010

I once applied to work for the CIA. The application was daunting. They wanted to know everywhere I’d been for the past decade or so, and there could be no gaps of more than three days. This was many years ago now, a few years after college. Since I’d travelled a lot internationally, it was very difficult to account for everywhere I’d been.

Have you applied to work somewhere unusual? Where was it? Did you get the job?

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16 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I applied for a job where you have to go store to store to count their inventory.
I really wanted that job!

wgallios's avatar

I applied for a database administrator position for the DEA once

Seek's avatar

At one point, when my son was just a few months old, I was applying for everything, as my husband had been out of work for a year, and we were running out of stuff to sell.

I applied for, and got, a job working at a kiosk in the mall. Not so crazy, right? It was for a hypnotherapist who developed a line of children’s products based on this elaborate mythology she created – a kind of Fairy zodiac. I had to dress in wings and fairy dust every day, and sell “Fairy’s Breath Anti-Monster Mist” – basically perfume in a bottle that you spray in the closet to make the boogey-man go away. I thought it was a really cute idea.

When the job transformed into hawking magic mood-altering crystal necklaces and fairy-themed erotic massage oils, it started getting interesting.

When I offered to help the (pretty batty) owner organize her files, and discovered the incense burning in the shrine to her self-created fairies in the loft of her home, I was outta there.

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charliecompany34's avatar

probably in the early 90s when i was a bike messenger in downtown chicago. for me, it was so out of my career realm, but i had to do it because i was between jobs. looking back now, it’s like one of those “i cannot believe i did that” jobs.

FutureMemory's avatar

I don’t recall the company or what position it was (most likely office slave/clerical), but when I was about 20 I applied at some place in NYC and before I even got to talk to anyone I was handed a 500 multiple choice personality test. Like an idiot I actually filled the entire thing out – damn thing took an hour at least. Rather than actually give me an interview after I finished they said they’d call me back after checking the test…assholes. If this were to happen today I would tell them in no uncertain terms what I thought of their interview tactics.

Cruiser's avatar

Cologne Germany…I applied at the only McDonalds there at the time. I almost got the job until they realized I didn’t speak German. They were however impressed by my knowledge of the product!

Berserker's avatar

A slaughterhouse. Shneider’s, to be precise.

Not that this is really odd coming from me…but I applied for bagging and packing.

wundayatta's avatar

It was odd—for me, anyway. I applied for a job with Schlumberger, the oil services company. I had never heard of them before, but I got all dressed up in a suit and went to dinner with them and had a couple of glasses of wine and, well, there went any chance I had.

Just so you know, I was fighting “big oil” for a few years back there in the late seventies. So trying to work with Schlumberger was like trying to get a job working for the enemy. And.. I would have had to move to Houston. Not getting hired by them was good fortune, although I doubt they ever would have hired me, anyway. I walk around with a red “L” tattooed on my forehead.

prolificus's avatar

Applied and was accepted for a paid internship in a state university police department, but I turned it down because I decided to pursue special ed instead. This was 15 years ago, and lately I’ve been pondering the “what ifs.”

Applied and was accepted to a job as a sales person for a company selling home security systems. Walked out of training on the second day because “it just wasn’t for me.”

Applied for an entry-level job in the local NBC station because I once aspired to work in television. I’ve a cousin who has worked as a tv reporter, so the aspiration wasn’t far-fetched for me.

Applied for and was interviewed by a small newspaper publication to sell advertising space. The publication’s audience is taxicab drivers.

There are a bunch of other odd jobs for which I’ve applied, either out of interest or to pay the bills.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Selling Avon products. Not a smart move for a 16 year-old girl who only wore mascara and lip balm. A few of the neighbor ladies bought some products, which surely was out of pity.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I applied for a job at a man’s house.He needed someone to draw pattterns for stained glass and also wanted a girlfriend.
I fired myself. XD

heresjohnny's avatar

I applied to an “eye bank” once. I guess they accept eye tissue donations to transplant into people suffering from blindness due to corneal damage, or something like that.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I got a job with the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre (I’m not Jewish) and ushered 200 elderly people in and out of their seats every night. I got the job to be with the girl I loved but long after she was gone, I continued to return to the job because it was one of the best experiences ever!

TexasDude's avatar

Spencer’s Gifts in the mall.

Had I gotten the job, I would have been selling dildos with Bob Marley’s face on them and glow in the dark weed posters.

I’m glad I failed their employment exam, in hindsight.

harple's avatar

A few years back, I applied for a seasonal job at The Christmas Adventure They were very keen to have me, as most of their applicants were students and they felt someone of my maturity (hah!) could be very beneficial… Unfortunately, I applied too late and they could not change anything to be able to take me.

I ended up taking a different seasonal job doing graphics work for a t-shirt company, where they thought so highly of me that they made me manager of their [admittedly small] factory… which I then did for a further year and a half… boy did I hate that job, such a far cry from “Me, the music teacher”... ho hum, we live we learn…

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