Awards received by all users

Sardine Received first great answer. Awarded to 15520 users.
Tadpole Received first great question. Awarded to 11099 users.
Jelly-Asker Asked first question. Awarded to 30241 users.
Jelly-Helper Wrote first answer. Awarded to 39057 users.
Guppy Received first message. Awarded to 19381 users.
PB & Jelly Sent first message. Awarded to 9326 users.
Jelly-Friend Followed by another jelly. Awarded to 7936 users.
Jelly Buddy Followed someone. Awarded to 6497 users.
Clownfish Followed by 10 jellies. Awarded to 1456 users.
Eeee eeee eeeee Linked IM account. Awarded to 393 users.
Plank Walker Linked Facebook account. Awarded to 843 users.
Deckhand Reached 100 lurve. Awarded to 4462 users.
Sailor Reached 250 lurve. Awarded to 2952 users.
First-mate Reached 500 lurve. Awarded to 2086 users.
Herman Melville Wrote an answer that got 5 Great Answers. Awarded to 3908 users.
Doubloon Asked a question that got 4 Great Questions. Awarded to 3796 users.
Skin Diver Visited Fluther 10 days in a row. Awarded to 1233 users.
Starfish Get a Great Answer on a new user's question. Awarded to 3766 users.
Rembrandt Upload a profile photo. Awarded to 20822 users.
Autobiographer Fill out all the profile text fields. Awarded to 2938 users.
Mer-Jelly Followed by 50 jellies. Awarded to 472 users.
Skipper Reached 1,000 lurve. Awarded to 1470 users.
Mariner Reached 5,000 lurve. Awarded to 550 users.
Ernest Hemingway Wrote an answer that got 10 Great Answers. Awarded to 1405 users.
Gold Ingot Asked a question that got 7 Great Questions. Awarded to 1390 users.
Colossal Squid Wrote a long (2500+ character) answer that got 5 Great Answers. Awarded to 517 users.
Channel-crosser Visited Fluther 30 days in a row. Awarded to 517 users.
Wayne Greet-zky First to give a new user a Great Question or Great Answer. Awarded to 2654 users.
Whale song Receive 50 messages. Awarded to 916 users.
Davey Jones' Revenge Answer a 6-week old question with a GA. Awarded to 7690 users.
Oliver Twist Answer an orphan that's at least two days old with a Great Answer. Awarded to 245 users.
Exhibitionist Answer a question while at least ten people are observing. Awarded to 1074 users.
Siren Song Followed by 100 jellies. Awarded to 234 users.
Privateer Reached 10,000 lurve. Awarded to 320 users.
Admiral Reached 20,000 lurve. Awarded to 121 users.
Blackbeard Reached 30,000 lurve. Awarded to 54 users.
Titan Reached 40,000 lurve. Awarded to 21 users.
Poseidon Reached 50,000 lurve. Awarded to 10 users.
Jules Verne Wrote an answer that got 20 Great Answers. Awarded to 368 users.
Sunken Treasure Asked a question that got 14 Great Questions. Awarded to 286 users.
Circumnavigator Visited Fluther 90 days in a row. Awarded to 170 users.
Sea-Cheetah Answer a question within three minutes and get at least 3 Great Answers (write at least 150 characters). Awarded to 659 users.
Pilgrim I'd tell you, but the CIA will [REDACTED]. Awarded to 775 users.
Old-timer If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Awarded to 645 users.
Robot Crush These aren't the droids you're looking for... Awarded to 47 users.
Perfecto-fish We'd tell you, but our standards are impossibly high. Awarded to 1244 users.
Cake in the Frizzer It's going to be tough to find everything in this secret volcano lair. Awarded to 270 users.
Feeding Frenzy Do you think you'll live to tell the tale? Awarded to 739 users.
Guacamole Visit the Fluther HQ in person or via mail. Awarded to 28 users.