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Censorship or Patriotism? Jane Fonda in the new movie "The Butler"?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 18 responses -
Sovereign Citizens - how do you feel about this?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 9 responses -
Spoiler Alert: Can we discuss Big Brother?
Asked by JLeslie | 54 responses -
What do you feel guilty for?
Asked by Unbroken | 24 responses -
[NSFW?] People who don’t flush, what do you think of the offenders, or the worse situations you discover they have left?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 26 responses -
What issues have you changed your opinion on and why?
Asked by JLeslie | 50 responses -
Ladies, do you do up your bra in the back or hook and spin?
Asked by wonderwomanUSA | 131 responses -
What would be an awesome color scheme for Cang-?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 16 responses -
Do you notice when a person rides his bike or takes a walk daily?
Asked by Aster | 39 responses -
Do you love your vet more than you love your GP?
Asked by janbb | 15 responses -
How do I ask my exfriend for forgiveness ?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
Why is the Christopher Lane shooting getting a distinctly different style of media coverage than, say the Trayvon Martin shooting?
Asked by josie | 11 responses -
When someone asks "why do so many British people have bad teeth", how on earth do you answer that?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 27 responses -
Why shouldn't smokers take a decongestant/expectorant?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 31 responses -
Why do people seem to insist on using PDF to scan and sent documents?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 23 responses -
Is it counter-intuitive to you that the sharpest kitchen knives are the safest knives?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 17 responses -
What would you do with this picture?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 16 responses -
Is it okay for a person to be so curious about death that they commit suicide because of it?
Asked by BBawlight | 25 responses -
Just recently I'm noticing that the alcohol content of beers can vary by a lot. Do you prefer lower or higher alcohol content?
Asked by GoldieAV16 | 15 responses -
[SFW] If you could be the opposite gender for one day, what would you want to do that your current gender stops you from doing?
Asked by ETpro | 33 responses -
What would you list as the top ten rules for moral living?
Asked by ETpro | 63 responses -
Is stereotyping of Southern small towns just as wrong as stereotyping by race or sexual orientation?
Asked by ETpro | 12 responses -
Should I finally decide to convert to atheism?
Asked by Drush545 | 28 responses -
Have you ever had a mentor? Who has been your Merlin, your Gandalf, your Dumbledore?
Asked by Jeruba | 23 responses -
What's the point of locking up Bradley Manning for 35 years?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 31 responses -
If a person farts and there is no-one to hear them, is there any point to it?
Asked by janbb | 52 responses -
In the anime "Ranma 1/2", what would happen if Ranma got pregnant?
Asked by ragingloli | 11 responses -
[NSFW] _____ REALLY sucks! Care to share your "really sucks" list?
Asked by ETpro | 15 responses -
Do you ever wish you hadn't told someone something?
Asked by Headhurts | 20 responses -
How does one become a big brother or big sister?
Asked by Equestrian18 | 6 responses -
When children are concerned is it better to live with a husband/wife or baby-mama, or baby-daddy?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 16 responses -
When was the most recent time you won something & what was it?
Asked by ucme | 14 responses -
Do you think we'll ever reach a stage where gay people are used in advertising?
Asked by spiritual | 15 responses -
What do you think about a student exchange program within the US?
Asked by JLeslie | 9 responses -
Which sounds do you find relaxing? Which sounds do you find irritating?
Asked by LornaLove | 27 responses
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