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What are the biggest pros/cons of home ownership?
Asked by SundayKittens | 11 responses -
[SFW] "Stop the world, I want to get off." When it's time, how would your prefer to do it?
Asked by ETpro | 12 responses -
What are these called, and how do I view whatever they are?
Asked by filmfann | 9 responses -
Would you rather work and not get paid for several months, or be unemployed?
Asked by this_velvet_glove | 12 responses -
How on earth do some people make it out of major accidents with hardly a scratch?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 22 responses -
How do you account for these GOP "conversion" experiences?
Asked by thorninmud | 37 responses -
What do you see when you look out of the window?
Asked by LornaLove | 26 responses -
How can people compare their pain to that of a woman in labor?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 28 responses -
Do you find the kids in this video as stunningly athletic, amazing and foolhardy as I do?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 21 responses -
Has anyone hit a child while driving and how did you cope with it?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 24 responses -
Should I drink alcohol tonight or wait?
Asked by Drush545 | 4 responses -
What are the scariest stories you have ever heard ?
Asked by partyrock | 11 responses -
Do all women get irritated when they are pregnant?
Asked by Eggie | 22 responses -
How long will we wage war on poverty, war on crime, war on drugs, war on terrorism before we realize war is not the answer?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 18 responses -
NSFW - Guys, do you like it when she (or he) goes South?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 34 responses -
What was your first job?
Asked by TheIntern55 | 41 responses -
Job Title v Salary?
Asked by Jellie | 23 responses -
Is applying online for a job better than in person?
Asked by MorenoMelissa1 | 16 responses -
What are your thoughts on assessments for online job applications?
Asked by Fly | 8 responses -
Is this Disney propaganda cartoon any less brainwashing than the brainwashing it attempts to reveal?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 3 responses -
How did control of Scientology fall into the hands of David Miscavage?
Asked by ETpro | 11 responses -
Red or blue?
Asked by filmfann | 20 responses -
Is it possible to consult renowned physicists online?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 6 responses -
Do you jellies remember this...
Asked by flip86 | 16 responses -
Can we talk about women's razors?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 13 responses -
Do you believe people enter our lives for a reason and why?
Asked by Aster | 14 responses -
What exactly is going on here - video inside (I have no sound on my laptop, so I can't hear)
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 6 responses -
How do people get away with saying "I made a mistake" when in fact they have willfully misbehaved, attempted to deceive, and then gotten caught?
Asked by josie | 8 responses -
For those familiar with electronics and electricity can you explain what happened last night? (NRQ) Non-religious question.
Asked by rojo | 17 responses -
Embarrassing Question Monday: What can I do to perk up my breasts a little?
Asked by mambo | 12 responses -
What does an apology consist of, in your opinion?
Asked by tedibear | 13 responses -
When were the "good ol' days" for you?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 17 responses -
Does the sentence "You are trying to partition the blame" make sense?
Asked by Elm1969 | 16 responses -
[NSFW] If you could be the opposite gender for one day, what would you want to do that your current gender stops you from doing?
Asked by ETpro | 40 responses -
Why should we care what religious beliefs others hold?
Asked by ETpro | 57 responses
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