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Have you ever had just dessert for a meal?
Asked by Sunny2 | 55 responses -
Who do you think should be the next Pope?
Asked by reijinni | 37 responses -
How is it even remotely possible that this guy got custody of his six-year-old daughter after being convicted of raping his six-year-old stepdaughter 6 years ago?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 15 responses -
Did you hear that the US Supreme Court ruled against being able to patent genes?
Asked by JLeslie | 13 responses -
Is there anything that instantly makes you cry?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 31 responses -
Have you ever put food in the fridge with no intention of eating it later?
Asked by talljasperman | 11 responses -
I'm bored what can I do?
Asked by Special_CunningTigeress | 35 responses -
Do you have a practical answer to this Home Ec problem? Or it may be a matter of chemistry.
Asked by Sunny2 | 9 responses -
Abuse the bank guarantee - How can we ever trust banks again?
Asked by mattbrowne | 6 responses -
Why is beauty such a big deal for most people?
Asked by lovelessness | 10 responses -
NSFW - another what word do you use for it question.
Asked by sleepdoc | 25 responses -
What song do you sometimes hear that reminds you of a scene from a movie or TV show?
Asked by erichw1504 | 31 responses -
If Windows was named, like Apple, after a food, what would it be called?
Asked by simpleD | 16 responses -
What is the weirdest name you have given to a folder and why?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 9 responses -
Have you ever thought of a great idea for a film?
Asked by flutherother | 12 responses -
If I were to create a minimalistic version of Dwarf Fortress on my calculator, what features would I include?
Asked by PhiNotPi | 1 response -
What next, the Supreme Court will go after the 2nd amendment again, to add to their debacle?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 51 responses -
Would you allow ten year olds to jump into this kind of water?
Asked by Aster | 17 responses -
Possibly NSFW: What are the benefits of sex?
Asked by Unbroken | 14 responses -
How do you "beat the heat?"?
Asked by Sunny2 | 29 responses -
How do you tell somebody you don't want something that they try to give you?
Asked by flip86 | 10 responses -
What are the real costs and benefits of the US Senate's Immigration Reform Bill as written?
Asked by ETpro | 11 responses -
Single people, have you experienced monophobia?
Asked by Michael_Huntington | 22 responses -
How should we talk to those who are having thoughts about and have made attempts to commit suicide?
Asked by ETpro | 14 responses -
Do you notice that your anxiety an depression gets worse in the afternoon hours?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 10 responses -
Christian Jellies: Is homophobia, rather than homosexuality, a sin?
Asked by Plucky | 131 responses -
Were you ever cussed out on your job?
Asked by Eggie | 21 responses -
What are some ways to make hanging out with an autistic preschooler less stressful?
Asked by keobooks | 10 responses -
Have retailers made the sizes bigger again?
Asked by Unbroken | 16 responses -
Do you care that today was the start of the 100th Tour de France?
Asked by gondwanalon | 7 responses -
When was the last time you admitted to being wrong?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 23 responses -
(NSFW) Women, do you find horseback riding sexually stimulating?
Asked by filmfann | 13 responses -
For us older folks: Do you fight taking naps or just go ahead and nod off?
Asked by Sunny2 | 12 responses -
On Downton Abbey, do you have a favourite character (NO SPOILERS, PLEASE!)
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 16 responses -
Would you please send peaceful thoughts to my plucky dog, Gus?
Asked by Plucky | 47 responses
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