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[SFW] How many inches is yours? And can you grip it with one hand? Question about smartphone screen sizes.
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
If you were a force-sensitive in the Star Wars universe where would you align yourself?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 16 responses -
Play a fun and educational game with me?
Asked by zensky | 41 responses -
What are some strange but true news stories you recall?
Asked by ucme | 25 responses -
What can you tell me about quinoa?
Asked by diavolobella | 48 responses -
Photo Quiztion5: Whadizzit!? [Details Inside].
Asked by rebbel | 24 responses -
Are there any Steely Dan fans out there?
Asked by SadieMartinPaul | 18 responses -
In courtroom scenes from the movie Philadelphia, what are most memorable?
Asked by flo | 8 responses -
My cat has tapeworms but has never had fleas!
Asked by birdy120690 | 12 responses -
Do you have any ideas for Black History activity for senior citizens group?
Asked by KhiaKarma from iPhone | 15 responses -
What would write on a promotion?
Asked by Christian95 from iPhone | 12 responses -
Was this a meteorite? Details inside.
Asked by rojo | 14 responses -
Atheists, are you annoyed by "theonormativity" in media and entertainment?
Asked by ETpro | 26 responses -
What to say in a "cold call" email?
Asked by jordym84 | 14 responses -
Who hacked the Burger King Twitter account?
Asked by Strauss | 8 responses -
Why do some older men prefer to date (marry) younger women?
Asked by Jude | 84 responses -
What would cause double vision and really bad balance in a normally well balanced male?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 15 responses -
Have you ever driven the Pan American Highway into Costa Rica?
Asked by Coloma | 2 responses -
Ladies: or waxers/shavers/epillators/bleachers-details inside?
Asked by Unbroken | 10 responses -
Jellies from my generation (grad HS 76): How different do you think our lives would be today if we'd had computers when we were kids?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 10 responses -
Is lip balm effective for treating chapped lips?
Asked by TheInnocentOne | 12 responses -
Mustache+Beard or no facial hair?
Asked by Written | 14 responses -
I can't get to read the New York Times online, how about you?
Asked by flo | 12 responses -
Is this a reasonable excuse to have never worked a day?
Asked by Aster | 21 responses -
What's your opinion on Moustaches?
Asked by charcoalwasp | 33 responses -
When you look for a new place to live, what is at the top of your list?
Asked by JLeslie | 27 responses -
Are you sad with the way answerbag devolved?
Asked by Sebulba | 120 responses -
Does anyone like when a salad has big pieces or a wedge of lettuce?
Asked by JLeslie | 27 responses -
One day I shall be old, smelly and decrepit - sooner than later - so why don't I just get off my a$$ and just __________?
Asked by zensky | 19 responses -
Suggest me a name for my new consultancy firm?
Asked by kalppune | 21 responses -
What are your earliest memories of computer usage?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 44 responses -
We're feeding candy to cows now. What do you think about it?
Asked by phaedryx | 13 responses -
Travel tips for beginners?
Asked by babatjie77 | 25 responses -
Is anyone familair with vegan cuisine in downtown Seattle?
Asked by Unbroken | 7 responses -
Why the God of Abraham?
Asked by ETpro | 55 responses
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