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What's your default breakup music when things don't work out?
Asked by serenityNOW | 24 responses -
Aside from sex, bathing and sleeping, what activities have you done naked?
Asked by wundayatta | 35 responses -
Anyone else find that having plants around you to be soothing?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 13 responses -
What was the most romantic moment in your life?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 12 responses -
Would you like to share your scariest insect story?
Asked by Shippy | 71 responses -
What do you think of Oprah's interview with Lance Armstrong so far?
Asked by flo | 19 responses -
What is your main goal or wish in life?
Asked by KeepYourEyesWideOpen | 22 responses -
Was the Life of Pi really that great of a movie?
Asked by Wine | 8 responses -
Ladies, can you tell if a man has been dressed by his S.O.?
Asked by bossob | 16 responses -
How does one go about looking for a doctor for an organ transplant?
Asked by Unbroken | 20 responses -
Do you own any paintings by painters you know?
Asked by burntbonez | 18 responses -
Quick: the Genie has granted you one wish, and one wish only - what is it?
Asked by zensky | 43 responses -
Have you ever owned a light-colored parka?
Asked by SadieMartinPaul | 8 responses -
Did/do you follow your dream(s)?
Asked by tups | 17 responses -
Can you tell me about a trick that was played on you that you enjoyed?
Asked by wundayatta | 10 responses -
Does it make sense to do profiling for potential mass murderers?
Asked by LostInParadise | 17 responses -
What does the fact that my charger no longer charges my Mac Air laptop mean?
Asked by gailcalled | 32 responses -
What is it that you are afraid you won't recognize about America if Obama does everything you think he wants to?
Asked by wundayatta | 32 responses -
Have you ever laughed when a friend or loved one fell down, just to find out they were seriously hurt?
Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal | 6 responses -
Women: does your purse fairly accurately reflect how much of a neatnick or slob you are?
Asked by JLeslie | 6 responses -
What are the most abiding memories you retain from your first days at school?
Asked by ucme | 39 responses -
Would you like to tell us about one of your crazy neighbors?
Asked by Shippy | 41 responses -
Can/How do you delete a location attached to an already sent facebook message?
Asked by Wine | 5 responses -
What is the strangest way you have injured yourself?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 30 responses -
Never had one but a question about colonoscopy preps?
Asked by Aster | 22 responses -
Have you had any success selling your books online?
Asked by Mamradpivo | 8 responses -
Will you help me find a new tv series to watch?
Asked by Unbroken | 17 responses -
How effective are petitions?
Asked by SABOTEUR from iPhone | 2 responses -
If you found out your S/O was born a different sex would you leave them?
Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal | 21 responses -
[NSFW] Can anyone recommend a quality manufacturer or wholesaler of trashy lingerie and adult toys?
Asked by ETpro | 5 responses -
"We live in the product of anarchy" - agree/disagree?
Asked by ninjacolin | 8 responses -
Do you own the pet...or does the pet own you?
Asked by SABOTEUR from iPhone | 37 responses -
If someone told you they had a Christmas present for your child, but forgot to bring it the last time you got together, would you remind them to bring it this time?
Asked by jca | 12 responses -
What journey left an impression on you and why?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 17 responses -
Stressed jellies, what can we do to help you out?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 29 responses
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