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NSFW - Have you ever done it and ended up getting this?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 21 responses -
Little things about your partner you appreciate?
Asked by nikipedia | 26 responses -
What electives were available in high school?
Asked by jrpowell | 8 responses -
Can an analytical brain truly commit to another person?
Asked by Unbroken | 21 responses -
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Asked by KeepYourEyesWideOpen | 22 responses -
Why do corporations have mandatory retirement ages?
Asked by wundayatta | 13 responses -
In what ways have your parents disappointed you but on the other hand, have pleased you?
Asked by Pingu | 9 responses -
Will you help with a Star Wars Blu-Ray release question?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 13 responses -
Why do my cats briefly go bonkers after pooping?
Asked by poofandmook | 13 responses -
(One Way Trip): If you could transport anyone back in time to the dark ages, who would you send and why?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 30 responses -
What are some words you always hear misused?
Asked by DominicX | 64 responses -
Do you believe in life in outerspace?
Asked by Thesilvertiger from iPhone | 67 responses -
How old is too old for a woman to have her bra straps showing?
Asked by augustlan | 66 responses -
What is a movie moment where you thought the movie star was hot?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 30 responses -
If you could have a secret garden, where would it be? How would it look? What would happen there?
Asked by Shippy | 14 responses -
How long does it take for a senior to get over kidney removal for encapsulated cancer?
Asked by Aster | 4 responses -
What incidents influenced the development of your sense of morality?
Asked by wundayatta | 28 responses -
[NSFW] Strangest/most interesting "bedroom" tale about you or someone you know?
Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal | 8 responses -
Gangnam Style: Am I the only one who hasn't seen the video?
Asked by Yeahright | 31 responses -
In your own personal opinion, do you think I am insane?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 35 responses -
Ladies: Do you have an aversion to the "dead fish" handshake?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 28 responses -
Have you ever called into a radio show?
Asked by bookish1 | 23 responses -
Why have my knees been popping for five years?
Asked by Aster | 3 responses -
How secure is skype?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 3 responses -
Have you ever used the term Paddy Wagon to refer to a police van?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 39 responses -
What will be your appearance and name in fairy tale land?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 35 responses -
So what happens if you and a significant other (not married) get jobs in different states?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 6 responses -
NSFW? Is it all in the kiss?
Asked by Shippy | 17 responses -
Can you continue the poem?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 20 responses -
NSFW - How do you think people cope with celibacy?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 14 responses -
What do you think will happen in 2013?
Asked by KeepYourEyesWideOpen | 10 responses -
Would you or have you used dog shampoo and conditioner on your own hair?
Asked by Aster | 13 responses -
If you look directly to your left/right from where you are now, what do you see?
Asked by ucme | 54 responses -
Upon your initial discovery of Google/Facebook/Twitter - whom did you first look up - and find?
Asked by zensky | 9 responses -
What is the relationship between a deadline and a deal getting made?
Asked by wundayatta | 6 responses
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