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Movie Question: Who's your favorite animated Disney character?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 16 responses -
(Free Energy): Would my crazy free energy machine work?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 14 responses -
NSFW - When is it better to have eaten something, before or after lovemaking?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 26 responses -
When exiting the highway, or when the lanes converge due to bottleneck, are you a driver that gets in line ASAP, or do you stay in your lane as long as possible to cut in and get close to front?
Asked by jca | 25 responses -
Is the word "blessed" being overused to be the point of triteness?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 37 responses -
Did you learn anything today?
Asked by FutureMemory | 19 responses -
What is the best horror movie to watch and enjoy this New Year?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 14 responses -
What is your all time favorite "and then they woke up" ending?
Asked by pleiades | 7 responses -
Is English your first language?
Asked by Brian1946 | 26 responses -
What are some useful words to end this year and start next year with?
Asked by gailcalled | 14 responses -
Is your partner hot enough?
Asked by Shippy | 86 responses -
Have you heard about the "Bazinga Bee"?
Asked by Strauss | 13 responses -
What should I give as a party favor?
Asked by JLeslie | 9 responses -
Does the fact that "The Rich" are paying more taxes make you feel better that we are too?
Asked by josie | 9 responses -
People who celebrate Christmas or other December holidays (Chanukah, Yule): What kind of decorations do you have throughout your house to make it festive?
Asked by jca | 13 responses -
What am I missing?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 18 responses -
Why is it that when a guy cheats on his girlfriend, the girlfriend goes after the girl he cheated on her with?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 20 responses -
I've just come from cloud nine..... Where are you all at?
Asked by caz | 22 responses -
How to make friends?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 24 responses -
Why can't anything be done for Benjamin Kyle (see details)?
Asked by ETpro | 14 responses -
If you make a woman mad, and she sends you pictures of all of the foods that you are allergic to...
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 43 responses -
Do you hear Fairytale of New York often around Christmas? If not why not?
Asked by flo | 3 responses -
What makes a "remarkable" person to you?
Asked by Carly | 10 responses -
What is it about cats that you love on a daily basis?
Asked by Aster | 9 responses -
Poll: What is your biggest fear related to cancer?
Asked by Iclamae | 25 responses -
Is it true that listening to a song will aid in ridding it from your mind?
Asked by Sgt_Pop_McTart | 10 responses -
Do you grieve over the death of a pet like others grieve over the death of a person?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 66 responses -
Current TV has been sold to Al Jazeera?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 12 responses -
Is having children at an older age (thirties into forties) a feminist triumph?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses -
What's so bad about being a slut?
Asked by wundayatta | 40 responses -
Will I get charged for receiving international calls?
Asked by jamzzy | 7 responses -
How to be composed and clearly talk about what's on your mind?
Asked by lovingpartner | 7 responses -
How quickly have you broken a new years resolution?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 31 responses -
Am I the only one who thinks Tosh.0 goes overboard?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 15 responses -
Have we lost track of where our food comes from?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 30 responses
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