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Would you starve before stealing?
Asked by jrpowell | 31 responses -
The Jelly below me_Part 41?
Asked by DrBill | 524 responses -
Ever thought about doing a pilgrimage?
Asked by jordym84 | 12 responses -
Is there a valid reason, in terms of technology or wiring, for it taking, like a hundred years, for them to start manufacturing cars where the default is that your headlights turn off when you turn off your ignition?
Asked by lillycoyote | 21 responses -
Smokers: Have you ever used e-cigarettes?
Asked by LittleLemon | 18 responses -
What are your best (easiest) tooth removal methods for kids?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 21 responses -
Do you think that, a person, happy with their belief system would need to attack others?
Asked by Shippy | 24 responses -
How can I discourage my cat from bringing me LIVE gifts?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 46 responses -
Has your reaction to something surprised you?
Asked by Shippy | 17 responses -
Knitted curtains?
Asked by Unbroken from iPhone | 9 responses -
What do you predict the Hamas leaders in Gaza are thinking and doing? (See details)
Asked by wundayatta | 25 responses -
What are some birthday ideas for introverted picky people?
Asked by Unbroken | 11 responses -
Reusing ground glass in roads: safety, efficacy, longevity wise?
Asked by Unbroken from iPhone | 2 responses -
What is your opinion of restaurant owners wanting to pass along the anticipated costs of Obamacare to their customers?
Asked by jca | 120 responses -
What was the weirdest college course you've taken?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 50 responses -
Is Florida where democracy goes to die?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 21 responses -
How to makes quotes more accessible?
Asked by Unbroken | 9 responses -
Any one any good at translating cat 'lingo'?
Asked by Shippy | 28 responses -
Does the shape of your tea bag matter?
Asked by pezz | 10 responses -
Can you help me to pick my poison?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 38 responses -
What fast, effective, but dangerous household cleaning technique do you use?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 22 responses -
Are there any Hostess products you will miss?
Asked by filmfann | 40 responses -
Have you ever had to deal with a narcissist on a regular basis?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 19 responses -
OK, computer people- which browser is the best, and why?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 50 responses -
Is there a female equivalent to the "Man Child" I hear so much about?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 24 responses -
"Every religion is somewhat similar but yours is better than the others." - What do you think of this assertion?
Asked by ninjacolin | 65 responses -
Older Gamers: For older games, do you prefer the original console/controller, or do you like the bells and whistles of emulators?
Asked by RocketSquid | 13 responses -
A question about male vs female sexual predators?
Asked by Shippy | 13 responses -
What would be one of the most likely things you would disagree about if the closest person in your life said something you thought was absolutely not true about yourself?
Asked by Mantralantis | 15 responses -
Is there mental poison too?
Asked by AntJR | 15 responses -
Who are the world's richest poor?
Asked by ninjacolin | 7 responses -
What type of person is the one that observes an outsider looking in, that is more outside?
Asked by Mantralantis | 10 responses -
What is your opinion on Philip DeFranco?
Asked by bhec10 | 5 responses -
If you had to wear a t-shirt that had your personal motto on it, what would it read?
Asked by Mantralantis | 71 responses -
Do you care to share any philosophies?
Asked by jfos | 50 responses
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