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Is there going to be social unrest if Obama fails to get elected?
Asked by rojo | 40 responses -
How do I reconcile my feelings about my X and my current g/f?
Asked by newguy101 | 12 responses -
So I was thinking, how does it feel to be you?
Asked by Pazza | 23 responses -
Do you have a psychological criterion as to when to wear or stop wearing a particular style or type of clothes based off the time of year temperature notwithstanding?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 14 responses -
After all the political ads are you still undecided?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 21 responses -
What is your experience/advice/opinion on working 2 FT jobs?
Asked by tedd | 7 responses -
My toothless cat is becoming a biter? Why?
Asked by deni | 6 responses -
What do you see as the inherent issues of an 'age gap' relationship?
Asked by Shippy | 28 responses -
How many superpowers does government need when combating natural disaster?
Asked by jazmina88 | 4 responses -
What are some things about your political party that you're ashamed of?
Asked by Nullo | 24 responses -
What do you think about this co-worker's rant?
Asked by jca | 14 responses -
Is this a bad sign?
Asked by confusedblueeyes | 18 responses -
Can you tell me in which episodes of Ramsay's Kitchen nightmares (both UK and US) he liked the food overall?
Asked by ragingloli | 20 responses -
Ladies: What does it mean when you call a guy "cute"?
Asked by XOIIO | 19 responses -
Can you find a way of reducing this word puzzle to a manageable size?
Asked by LostInParadise | 4 responses -
A-Z what do you not see around anymore (or rapidly on the way out)?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 47 responses -
Are you kicking back on this "Fall back" morning/afternoon?
Asked by Coloma | 23 responses -
Boring question #86: How wealthy do you have to be to not bother bending over to pick up abandoned pennies?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 13 responses -
Your first date?
Asked by Luiveton | 25 responses -
What type of mural would you paint on a door?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 16 responses -
Are you seeking serenity?
Asked by Shippy | 20 responses -
[[NSFW] If you had the wildest and greatest sex with a clown then saw her in civilian wear and to you she was homely would that take away from the great memory you made?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 14 responses -
What are the downsides to buying the OEM version of an operating system?
Asked by ETpro | 7 responses -
What do you think of this quote from the Dalai Lama?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 29 responses -
What do you do when you poo?
Asked by Pied_Pfeffer | 49 responses -
Help me hide the evidence!
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 43 responses -
What do you think about value ascribed to "innocent lives", specifically young children, babies and the unborn?
Asked by fundevogel | 19 responses -
How do you think that Romney will do in Ohio?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 18 responses -
Suicide. Act of cowardice or braveness?
Asked by deepdivercwa55m | 34 responses -
How old are you?
Asked by kimchi | 36 responses -
Do you have a high school reunion horror story?
Asked by gondwanalon | 6 responses -
What is your opinion of the song "Gangnam Style"?
Asked by Only138 | 36 responses -
I need some advice on a rat in my cupboard?
Asked by Shippy | 16 responses -
[NSFW?] Exclusive FWB friends with benefits so why are they not dating?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 10 responses -
AQUAGATE. Were you involved in ANY fashion?
Asked by Crashsequence2012 | 4 responses
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