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Am I overreacting to be disappointed in my friend?
Asked by marinelife | 34 responses -
Should teacher's salary be based on merit pay?
Asked by LostInParadise | 28 responses -
Can you help with some gift ideas for a 2 year old boy?
Asked by _Whitetigress | 14 responses -
Opinions on getting a Mac laptop?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 16 responses -
How can you care for someone in an anonymous virtual community when their behavior changes in worrying ways (see details)?
Asked by wundayatta | 21 responses -
So why was she arrested for having sex with 4 of her students if they all were 18?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 10 responses -
Does anyone have any experience using an EpiPen and how did it go?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 21 responses -
Isn't it interesting how nobody can bring up or teach Christianity in school, but other religions are fine?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 60 responses -
Hey white guys, you want some cheese with that whine?
Asked by ETpro | 31 responses -
What will it take to return the GOP to being a conservative party?
Asked by ETpro | 37 responses -
Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part XVI?
Asked by janbb | 633 responses -
So does anyone know how did I make the Republican list and how do I get off of it?
Asked by Pandora | 13 responses -
Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 38?
Asked by creative1 | 988 responses -
Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 39?
Asked by creative1 | 583 responses -
When you've lost your faith in humanity what restores it?
Asked by SuperMouse | 41 responses -
Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 37?
Asked by creative1 | 921 responses -
Why do people insist on turning every news article into a political fight?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 14 responses -
How do I feel at home with my husband?
Asked by Brenna_o from iPhone | 27 responses -
Will you play the Say Whaaat game?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 13 responses -
Anybody else have trouble getting off of email lists?
Asked by Fairylover78 | 3 responses -
Is the protrayal of arrogance the opposite of the portrayal of subservience?
Asked by DaphneT | 12 responses -
What fact are you absolutely convinced is true you have yet to share as you think people don't want to agree with it?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 39 responses -
What are you paranoid about?
Asked by Blackberry | 50 responses -
Can you give your opinion as to whether "Finders Keepers" applies in this example of a lost wedding ring?
Asked by jca | 34 responses -
Do you think the Olympics should consider the Muslim holiday Ramadan when scheduling the dates?
Asked by JLeslie | 42 responses -
What do you do in your lucid dreams?
Asked by Sayd_Whater | 3 responses -
What makes great design?
Asked by adamlofquist | 10 responses -
Should everyone vote?
Asked by Coting | 39 responses -
Do you prefer your umbrella to be short and compact, or long and solid?
Asked by ragingloli | 32 responses -
How do you balance between what society, your family and you expect of yourself in life?
Asked by nonexpert | 11 responses -
What are some good ideas on decorating a foyer?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 12 responses -
What does my dream mean?
Asked by mmartinez451 | 6 responses -
Should I ask him to homecoming?
Asked by aggsalmost18 | 7 responses -
Have you ever considered humans as cattle?
Asked by derekpaperscissors | 31 responses -
Music Question: Have you listened to the album "Channel Orange" by Frank Ocean?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 1 response
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