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Do you think it ok to sell gifts you have received or things that were donated to you?
Asked by SuperMouse | 20 responses -
How do you serve your spaghetti?
Asked by AshlynM | 26 responses -
Do you have any rituals that you do once you get home from a trip?
Asked by chyna | 14 responses -
Name this recent movie?
Asked by creepermax | 4 responses -
Why didn't Wisconsinites opt to repeal the law Walker implemented rather than Walker himself?
Asked by tedd | 14 responses -
Has an ATM ever given you the wrong amount?
Asked by ETpro | 11 responses -
If God meant marriage to mean one man and one woman, what about this? [See details.].
Asked by ETpro | 35 responses -
My ISP is IPv6 capable now. Is yours? [See details].
Asked by ETpro | 7 responses -
Do you have any memories of boxes?
Asked by wundayatta | 22 responses -
How is Paypal working out for you lately?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 6 responses -
How will you mourn Ray Bradbury and also celebrate his life and writings?
Asked by gailcalled | 13 responses -
What level of apathy do you maintain toward world issues?
Asked by digitalimpression | 20 responses -
What is NEVER going to work?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 15 responses -
What labor saving device do you wish someone would invent now?
Asked by wundayatta | 27 responses -
Are there days when you could eat the whole house down?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 9 responses -
Do your kids ever come up with their own pronunciation of words that are more interesting than the "right" pronunciation?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 33 responses -
What are the best board games you've ever played?
Asked by Joker94 | 55 responses -
When having the exterior of a house painted, should all the caulking around the windows be redone?
Asked by JLeslie | 10 responses -
What can't you wait another day for?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 9 responses -
How do you feel about kids' sleepovers?
Asked by SuperMouse | 25 responses -
Should I stop my cousin from pulling his Super Bowl prank ?
Asked by Pretty_Lilly | 39 responses -
Why do you suppose that we find the transit of Venus exciting?
Asked by thorninmud | 14 responses -
Stargate Universe - Will we ever learn what happens when the Destiny crew wake up inside their statis pods?
Asked by mattbrowne | 5 responses -
How do YOU cure sadness?
Asked by ToxicLove | 12 responses -
Have any songs that have to deal with summer?
Asked by King_Pariah | 19 responses -
Want to play the "which class would you take" game?
Asked by wundayatta | 42 responses -
How can I (as an adult) overcome my fear of the dark and other things?
Asked by samanthaw112 | 8 responses -
Do you think courts are too lenient where you live?
Asked by rooeytoo | 9 responses -
Parents, do you let your kids bring friends to family functions?
Asked by SuperMouse | 14 responses -
Do you think Americans would be better off if they utilized household help more readily?
Asked by JLeslie | 40 responses -
What is your favorite "So You Think You Can Dance" routine?
Asked by kennygee | 2 responses -
Do you believe that polygraph tests are reliable?
Asked by Paradox25 | 8 responses -
How has the internet changed celebrity?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 1 response -
Olympic Games and Stuxnet - What do you think about the just published book "Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power" ?
Asked by mattbrowne | 23 responses -
For dining on cruise ships do you prefer open seating, early seating, or late seating?
Asked by JLeslie | 9 responses
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