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Need to speak to a US Software Engineer?
Asked by slopolk | 3 responses -
If it was your call, what Supreme Court Justice/s would you replace?
Asked by ETpro | 43 responses -
Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 30?
Asked by creative1 | 578 responses -
Japanese man gets married to a video game character? What's up with Japan?
Asked by Ansible1 | 26 responses -
Have you ever used an entire tube of seemingly unending Chapstick?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 8 responses -
Where can I find an online spanish dictionary that can be downloaded as an editable text document?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 1 response -
Did I have the very first original boom box in my car?
Asked by john65pennington | 1 response -
For those jellies who are on a Medicare Advantage Plan, what private provider are you using?
Asked by Brian1946 | 1 response -
Do attractive people really make more money or are more successful? Have you heard of this?
Asked by partyrock | 17 responses -
Who's celebrating Milo's and my fourth anniversary, besides us, of course?
Asked by gailcalled | 39 responses -
Death by threes: Who's next after Dick Clark?
Asked by Charles | 26 responses -
On a scale from 1 to 10, how popular were you in high schools? And...
Asked by Charles | 18 responses -
What are some signs that indicate you need to harden up?
Asked by Keep_on_running | 23 responses -
Does your candidate lose ground if you treat the other candidate with respect?
Asked by 6rant6 | 10 responses -
Can you look at a person's face and tell if they have a psychological problem?
Asked by john65pennington | 10 responses -
Am I just unlovable...?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 24 responses -
What are some things you can only do for yourself?
Asked by 6rant6 | 21 responses -
Warranties. How many times must I say no?
Asked by chyna | 16 responses -
Do some celebrity endorsements make you go, "hell no!"?
Asked by 6rant6 | 19 responses -
Opinionated soul, do you ever feel like you are stomping over other people's worldviews?
Asked by ninjacolin | 26 responses -
What is the problem with losing so-called 'traditional words' from the English language?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 68 responses -
Why did Christianity survive?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 53 responses -
Do you think individual societies breed a certain type of person?
Asked by Shippy | 6 responses -
Do you think there will be another war on the scale of WWI or WWII in the next 50 years?
Asked by Charles | 5 responses -
Have you learned anything interesting lately from watching a YouTube video, something you might not normally have learned otherwise?
Asked by FutureMemory | 6 responses -
Women income disparity: Discrimination or Supply/Demand?
Asked by Charles | 4 responses -
Can you come up with an oddball way to describe suicide?
Asked by 6rant6 | 31 responses -
Does it make a difference that prostitution is legal in Columbia?
Asked by filmfann | 50 responses -
Can someone identify this song from the movie Eurotrip?
Asked by lonelydragon | 6 responses -
Where in the world would you like to be right now, and what is it about that place that draws you to it?
Asked by harple | 25 responses -
NSFW possibly. Should I wear fake eyelashes when on a date? 2 part question inside.
Asked by partyrock | 40 responses -
How could I learn the speaking patterns of the following groups of persons?
Asked by weeveeship | 5 responses -
How odd and possibly creepy is this?
Asked by Pied_Pfeffer | 31 responses -
Can you give us a single line of poetry that you find particularly moving?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 77 responses -
Can we compile a short list? Issues Mitt Romney has only taken one side on.
Asked by ETpro | 12 responses
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