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What have you done to save money?
Asked by filmfann | 30 responses -
Is there a moment in the day or in one's life where every hidden feeling inside one's self is revealed unintentionally?
Asked by silverangel | 12 responses -
Why do people giggle about, crack jokes about weed but not about beer?
Asked by Aster | 26 responses -
Are you content? If so share your happiness xxx?
Asked by RareDenver | 20 responses -
Has there ever been a story about you in the newspaper?
Asked by JustPlainBarb | 21 responses -
When you were a kid, did you do the child version of ”Keeping up with the Jones”?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 20 responses -
When will Disney offer the Hunger Games park?
Asked by DaphneT | 6 responses -
How is it that you have to slow down your whole life, but when you die, they let cars run through red lights? What's the hurry all for?
Asked by Tbag | 15 responses -
How did you know you would make it if you were struggling or in a maze?
Asked by partyrock | 14 responses -
What amazingly compassionate thing have you ever seen a very little kid do?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 14 responses -
What are the best web sites to get help with Apache, PHP, and MySQL?
Asked by HungryGuy | 6 responses -
At what temperatures do gasses become plasma?
Asked by Brian1946 | 3 responses -
Have you ever considered what the people who have found you attractive over the years all have in common?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 35 responses -
(#1) 1001 Things To Do With ......: Match sticks. Care to come up with other uses for matches?
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
Does the truth always set you free?
Asked by stardust | 17 responses -
Forced choice: which news story this week bothers you the most and why?
Asked by wundayatta | 24 responses -
How to handle this coworker issue?
Asked by mostlyclueless | 24 responses -
So just how secure in your sexuality are you?
Asked by seazen | 45 responses -
Caption competition! Name that acronym caption to the news photo (#7).
Asked by rebbel | 11 responses -
If I use a wireless headphone so as not to disturb with my surround sound, would I still feel and enjoy the subwoofer's rumble?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 5 responses -
This world is such a wonderful chance to become what we have dreamed about. What do you want to accomplish?
Asked by Summum | 19 responses -
Is it possible to run against a sitting President in your own party?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
How far would you go for immortality and super powers?
Asked by ro_in_motion | 23 responses -
Assuming you are sympathetic to their cause, what do you want to see arise from the Occupy Wall Street Movement?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 21 responses -
Are the notations used for exponents and logarithms confusing?
Asked by LostInParadise | 8 responses -
If you live in the bible belt: Would you be happy to secede from the union?
Asked by JLeslie | 32 responses -
Ladies: What's your most prefered way to be approached by a guy at a bar?
Asked by Esedess | 14 responses -
What is the most astounding fact you know?
Asked by Rarebear | 68 responses -
Is social media the new pop culture?
Asked by ponderopus | 6 responses -
Compassion and Competition: Would you let your rival win?
Asked by rebbel | 17 responses -
If you were in your SO's shoes, would you fall in love with yourself?
Asked by ro_in_motion | 33 responses -
Is nerdiness where it's at in terms of social success?
Asked by wundayatta | 7 responses -
How long is it safe to ignore a slip in the road?
Asked by Trillian | 12 responses -
Can anyone from the southern U.S. explain this?
Asked by tom_g | 63 responses -
How bad is military culture really?
Asked by Jellie | 31 responses
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