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Why is it that women are the predominant cooks at home, but men are the predominant cooks professionally?
Asked by Ponderer983 | 12 responses -
Share some memories of a place you loved that closed?
Asked by xnightflowerx | 19 responses -
How do you get to know yourself?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 15 responses -
Santorum may win a few states today, but Romney has more than twice as many delegates as he does. Can Romney be overtaken?
Asked by wundayatta | 7 responses -
What does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mean to you?
Asked by rebbel | 29 responses -
Music that touches the soul. What is it for you?
Asked by Jude | 18 responses -
How do companies afford the screening, testing and developing process which can cost millions of pounds?
Asked by Luiveton | 5 responses -
When someone says to you: "Well I've got good news and I've got bad news" which do you ask to hear first?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 13 responses -
(NSFW?) What makes up...#2?
Asked by sliceswiththings | 14 responses -
What are your thoughts on the fight going on between Rush Limbaugh, and Sandra Fluke?
Asked by AshLeigh | 91 responses -
A musical instrument is your only way of communicating with the world. Which do you choose?
Asked by rpm_pseud0name | 49 responses -
Do you feel you are part of the world?
Asked by Sunny2 | 25 responses -
Ethics or The Law: Why don't you download movies and music from uncontrolled sites?
Asked by Charles | 26 responses -
What is a certain kind of policy of your company that you have difficulty with (if any)?
Asked by rebbel | 9 responses -
Happy Birthday, David Gilmour! Give us your best David Gilmour/Pink Floyd song?
Asked by Jude | 21 responses -
How does cable television work? Specifically, the different channels showing different content in terms of violence, bad language, nudity etc.
Asked by Blackberry | 5 responses -
Do you like giving and/or receiving greeting cards for minor holidays?
Asked by WhiteWingDove | 16 responses -
What if the Occupy movement held a one day boycott?
Asked by LostInParadise | 33 responses -
Weird, Melbourne, Australian Stories.. Where can I find them?
Asked by ththththth | 4 responses -
When faced with difficult decisions/situations, where do you get the courage from?
Asked by MilkyWay | 23 responses -
Does foretelling "the end of the world" license people to behave badly?
Asked by 6rant6 | 11 responses -
Does anyone else just not shop at Wal-Mart anymore?
Asked by tedd | 22 responses -
How often do you eat a candy bar?
Asked by JLeslie | 80 responses -
How easy was it for you to learn how to drive and get your license?
Asked by partyrock | 39 responses -
What do you cold weather runners wear? Do you have special winter shoes, socks, etc?
Asked by rooeytoo | 8 responses -
Is glitter-bombing an assault, and if so what should the penalties or fines be for glitter-bombing?
Asked by GoldieAV16 | 53 responses -
[NSFW] Question about qualification of the art of lovemaking. [Details inside].
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
Great shows/movies to watch on Netflix streaming?
Asked by amazingme | 11 responses -
Do you have silly things you are still afraid of?
Asked by LuhvKiller | 55 responses -
Buy the current i-pad or wait for the next version...
Asked by skfinkel | 21 responses -
Do you ever just want to know what's going on in other people's lives?
Asked by Blackberry | 19 responses -
Did you ever hear someone else's voice come out of your mouth?
Asked by wundayatta | 22 responses -
What are some Unlikely Lines To Hear On A Science Programme?
Asked by rebbel | 20 responses -
Have you ever loved a book but only been able to read it in small doses?
Asked by SuperMouse | 16 responses -
Do you use sea salt? If so, why?
Asked by 6rant6 | 62 responses
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