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Music software gurus would you recommend the Apogee Jam guitar interface?
Asked by whitetigress | 1 response -
My chameleon circuit broke. Any advice?
Asked by XOIIO | 5 responses -
They are making a big screen Doctor Who movie, who should play him?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 40 responses -
For those of you who have had See's chocolate, what are your favorites?
Asked by Jude | 8 responses -
Can you come up with an odd new simile?
Asked by wundayatta | 20 responses -
Can you define "unlawful assembly" without going to the law books?
Asked by whitetigress | 6 responses -
Why do cats have nine lives?
Asked by pezz | 8 responses -
Can anyone really taste oak and strawberry or velvet and smoke in wine?
Asked by Zajvhal | 14 responses -
Getting together after a divorce?
Asked by Kandy | 16 responses -
What are your strategies for coping with Christmas stress?
Asked by marinelife | 21 responses -
Why pay for something, when you can get it for free?
Asked by rOs | 24 responses -
Where would God feel at home?
Asked by saint | 25 responses -
It's Crohn's and colitis awareness week. Are you aware of these diseases, and what can be accomplished by having a designated week for awareness?
Asked by Mariah | 20 responses -
Favorite beer?
Asked by whitetigress | 31 responses -
Is Mitt Romney et al, again fear mongering?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
Do you make an effort to be interested in things outside your realm of comfort?
Asked by wundayatta | 21 responses -
Is it Okay for a cat to eat peas?
Asked by Cinamingrl | 5 responses -
Can you predict the 2012 big Oscar winners?
Asked by Rheto_Ric | 5 responses -
What are you competitive at?
Asked by babybadger | 24 responses -
Let me preface this with I'm not fond of stereotypes, but are the "typical" male traits (see details) learned or genetic?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 19 responses -
What, in your opinion, is the impact of digital download on individuals and organizations and society as a whole?
Asked by Luiveton | 9 responses -
Whats your favorite Disney movie?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 27 responses -
Do parental words of wisdom stick in your mind?
Asked by Sunny2 | 20 responses -
A question about criticizing someone's favorite/loved/liked subject?
Asked by rebbel | 25 responses -
A song that you came across recently, reminding you of your teenage years?
Asked by Ayesha | 17 responses -
What kinds of songs would you not expect to find on itunes?
Asked by flo | 14 responses -
Audio Recording Technicians: Is it really best to record audio using flat eq headphones?
Asked by whitetigress | 2 responses -
Bad guys are no good and good guys are boring. Agree?
Asked by prioritymail | 28 responses -
One after the next, the Arab regimes are falling. Arab Spring/Winter whatever - the real question is - what will happen next?
Asked by zensky | 10 responses -
What do you make of this business with the Defense Authorization Act?
Asked by Nullo | 24 responses -
How do I convince my mom to let me move out?
Asked by LeighLake | 20 responses -
How many college units must a student complete to attain a Phd?
Asked by Cinamingrl | 7 responses -
NSFW -- Is there a word for the darkened area around a person's anus?
Asked by ETpro | 26 responses -
Any suggestions on drink orders for someone that just turned 21?
Asked by nromstadt | 19 responses -
What is a simple trading card game for my wife and I?
Asked by Axarraekji | 2 responses
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