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What's something extravagant to do for my girlfriends birthday this monday?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 18 responses -
Why does America have a shortage of certain life saving drugs?
Asked by philosopher | 6 responses -
What would happen if you received an HTTP status code in real life?
Asked by erichw1504 | 15 responses -
Will withholding rewards encourage my cat to do his job?
Asked by Blueroses | 13 responses -
Rush and seize the day, get it done, or be patient and get it done right?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 14 responses -
What's something bad you did (or said) that you didn't regret, or even enjoyed?
Asked by disenchanted_poisongirl | 6 responses -
Do all the various buttons on the blender really do anything?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 3 responses -
Want to do a Jedi Mind Trick and let me record the results?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 75 responses -
(NSFW) Ever picked up a souvenir from a brothel, that wasn't an STD?
Asked by tnatwo14 | 7 responses -
Liberals, are we using the term Progressive now to describe our politics?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 42 responses -
What is your relationship status?
Asked by takeachance | 56 responses -
What can I do about my bad mood?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 10 responses -
What's the difference between vintage and old?
Asked by quiddidyquestions | 16 responses -
What is race?
Asked by La_Guerrera_Mas_Funki | 42 responses -
Sometimes I hear women say "Oh, I can't go out tonight, I have to wash my hair". What's so complicated about this washing of hair?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 30 responses -
How do you react to stereotypical/negative/sexist remarks/actions in your direction when they are seemingly positive in the offender's mind?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 73 responses -
Should I abandon loyalty for a possibly more secure ideal future?
Asked by CFi | 13 responses -
Why, when dealing with the elderly in a hospital, do doctors insist on talking to the family instead of the patient, when they are lying right there?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 17 responses -
If you could live wherever you wanted, and do what you enjoyed most for work, how would you do it?
Asked by gottamakeart | 12 responses -
Did the ”West Memphis Three” get hoodwinked again?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 4 responses -
Does dealing with being “natural” makes a hypocrite of you?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 20 responses -
What do you say to a man that has just ran into the back of your new police car?
Asked by john65pennington | 24 responses -
Does the attached article affirm that the all to frequent play of the "race card" is becoming absurd?
Asked by josie | 31 responses -
Would you pretend to like something in an attempt to relate to an attractive member of the opposite sex?
Asked by athenasgriffin | 39 responses -
Fall is coming, which means back to school and work for some. Are you going to be on here less because you'll be bogged down with schoolwork or working for the man?
Asked by Jude | 21 responses -
What do you think when you call someone's cell or home phone and get a message that the inbox is FULL and can accept no more messages?
Asked by plethora from iPhone | 28 responses -
Is there anyone out there who hates his/her town/city so much that he feels uncomfortable walking round?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 15 responses -
Boring question #65: In the home, which one rules, carpet, or hardwood floors with or without rugs and runners?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 24 responses -
Do you ever worry that you're going to forget how to walk?
Asked by Hibernate | 32 responses -
As a child or youth, did you have a crush on a cartoon character?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 30 responses -
Can you guys tell me what the 72 hour real estate clause means to us in this situation?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 3 responses -
If you've ever suffered an accident/mishap whilst eating/drinking, could you deliver a few details?
Asked by ucme | 14 responses -
Has anyone ever made art for you, inspired by you, or based on you?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 37 responses -
What happened to Summer?
Asked by Blueroses | 22 responses -
Can you identify this British comedy for me? It was a film from at least ten years ago.
Asked by gailcalled | 17 responses
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