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What in the world could have just bitten/stung me?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 21 responses -
How do you deal with Office Politic?
Asked by Londongirl | 25 responses -
Would you like to know your death day?
Asked by Christian95 | 48 responses -
Do you feel sorry for the Groom at his wedding?
Asked by Hawkeye | 15 responses -
Sharpen your pencils, wordsmiths, it's time for another round of fluther phrases.
Asked by zenele | 7 responses -
Is my landlord being reasonable or unfair?
Asked by prioritymail | 13 responses -
Do you think it's ethical to remove a cancerous breast of a terminally ill woman?
Asked by Aster | 34 responses -
What are some subtle ways of being abusive?
Asked by raven860 | 37 responses -
How do you handle panhandlers?
Asked by smilingheart1 | 50 responses -
Would reverting back to all prop airplanes save money and fuel?
Asked by john65pennington | 5 responses -
Can anyone on Fluther translate Somoli to English?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 3 responses -
Would you buy cookies online?
Asked by abysmalbeauty | 20 responses -
Do guys fall for girls who are drama queen or very emotional?
Asked by Londongirl | 67 responses -
If ________ did not _________ he or she would________?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 14 responses -
Do you have any meal suggestions for this very restricted diet?
Asked by bobbinhood | 27 responses -
Have you ever had an intimate physical encounter out of pity?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 26 responses -
What do you think about my new theory on weight gain?
Asked by JLeslie | 16 responses -
If you had 12 million dollars and 3 homes would you do this? Details inside.
Asked by Aster | 39 responses -
What's your chosen style of underwear?
Asked by thebluewaffle | 43 responses -
How would you respond of feel about this advice on committed relationships (details in question)?
Asked by sleepdoc | 31 responses -
Are the wealthy elite trying to kill off a large portion of the population who refuse to be like them?
Asked by Donald_Trump | 35 responses -
Did you ever read "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe?
Asked by Donald_Trump | 4 responses -
What is your opinion on this article? (gender discrimination)
Asked by desiree333 | 15 responses -
Would it be okay if I let her go?
Asked by Tbag | 17 responses -
Why will my boomerang not come back?
Asked by ucme | 15 responses -
Is it unconstitutional for Rick Perry to endorse and promote the prayer event?
Asked by Blackberry | 21 responses -
My normally straight hair is curly since I cut it. Anyone else have this happen?
Asked by Seelix | 8 responses -
Is it true that if you are in pain, the pain medicine is not addictive?
Asked by john65pennington | 21 responses -
How can you disinfect a laptop keyboard?
Asked by Tink from iPhone | 12 responses -
What are your $10 dollar words?
Asked by fundevogel | 67 responses -
Do people still carpet kitchen floors?
Asked by john65pennington | 25 responses -
Is there a photographer's tool that wil sample the actual RGB color of an item?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
What health issues do you have?
Asked by QueenOfNowhere | 19 responses -
Honestly, if you are your country's president, would you be tempted to hook up with an intern?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 28 responses -
Did your parents see all of your body lately?
Asked by QueenOfNowhere | 29 responses
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