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What advice do you have for managing irrational thoughts and feelings?
Asked by nikipedia | 14 responses -
(NSFW) What is a good euphemism for watching "adult entertainment"?
Asked by nikipedia | 25 responses -
Are drive-in theatres coming back in style?
Asked by john65pennington | 15 responses -
Why are you still alone?
Asked by Eggie | 17 responses -
Does anyone have a little brother/sister or anyone that is related to you that you find really annoying?
Asked by megzybrahh123 | 15 responses -
Would it be inappropriate to mention to the person conducting my road test that I have been working through an extreme phobia of driving?
Asked by Mariah | 27 responses -
What was the very first thought that went through your head when you saw your newborn baby for the very first time?
Asked by keobooks | 23 responses -
Is attraction the same for both women and men?
Asked by Eggie | 13 responses -
I want to help my mum out, IBS related problem.
Asked by lsdh182 | 7 responses -
Isn't it sort of like telling a lie when we use the word free in this context?
Asked by josie | 8 responses -
What music clears your mind?
Asked by rOs | 26 responses -
Are flies more cunning than I gave them credit for?
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
Does anyone else think that the law can be an ass?
Asked by bunnygrl | 23 responses -
What is your most treasured memory?
Asked by pashley_108 | 22 responses -
What's your favourite zombie movie?
Asked by Berserker | 59 responses -
Do you associate any specific sounds with something unexpected or unusual?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 20 responses -
Should criminal co-conspirators be allowed to form a church and promulgate their criminal doctrine as a religion?
Asked by throssog | 58 responses -
What do y'all know about Canada (this is for the American folk)
Asked by Jude | 88 responses -
To what degree are we willing to endorse torture and physical/corporal punishment and under what criteria do/can we justify it?
Asked by throssog | 74 responses -
What are your thoughts on this commerical [see details]?
Asked by etignotasanimum | 42 responses -
How evil is Google?
Asked by downtide | 19 responses -
What's a snack you like, but that probably shouldn't even exist?
Asked by Berserker | 39 responses -
You open your eyes and you are the Frankenstein creature, your first words?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 51 responses -
Are you in favor of "Caylee's Law"?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 47 responses -
What is/was your favourite subject at school?
Asked by megzybrahh123 | 36 responses -
Is Boobies the new 42?
Asked by rebbel | 27 responses -
NSFW - When you hear or read the word "sex"', what image usually forms in your head?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 26 responses -
NSFW: True Blood fans: Which episodes have the best intimate scenes?
Asked by jca | 3 responses -
Which puppy would you choose and why?
Asked by john65pennington | 24 responses -
What do you do when you're devastated?
Asked by wundayatta | 17 responses -
What song(s) do you want played at your funeral?
Asked by awomanscorned from iPhone | 26 responses -
Who is someone you completely trust in your life? Can you mention a person or public figure whom you would trust?
Asked by raven860 | 33 responses -
How would you describe people in general in a few words?
Asked by raven860 | 29 responses -
What are you addicted to?
Asked by megzybrahh123 | 34 responses -
Do you love meeting and talking to people from other countries?
Asked by redfeather from iPhone | 23 responses
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