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What would make you break Usain Bolt's 100 meter record?
Asked by rebbel | 17 responses -
Are Liberals Really that much nicer?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 126 responses -
What is with dogs and emptying their anal sacs?
Asked by ava | 14 responses -
Would a tax exemption on cash earned by US corporations from overseas operations create US jobs, or just richer corporate jet setters?
Asked by ETpro | 20 responses -
Who did the best job ever singing "Sixteen Tons" by Merle Travis?
Asked by ETpro | 16 responses -
What is "Bugless Beast?"?
Asked by metadog | 2 responses -
What is your desired age difference with a lifetime partner and/or partime lover?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 35 responses -
How much do you know about our human world, past, present and future?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 12 responses -
Can anyone help me solve this mystery?
Asked by Coloma | 14 responses -
Which type of mattress is better for "sleeping", coil spring or memory foam?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 30 responses -
If the Zombie Apocalypse occurred, what would you bring?
Asked by kaywizard | 25 responses -
How many hot sauces do you have on hand?
Asked by WestRiverrat | 17 responses -
Is it edible?
Asked by YARNLADY | 22 responses -
Could Fluther write a Western/Romance/Christian novel(la)?
Asked by Nimis | 6 responses -
Has anyone got family that have issues with a particular ethnicity/culture & you just happen to be seeing someone in those areas?
Asked by silvermoon | 13 responses -
What is the sweetest, yet, oddest thing that someone has ever said to you?
Asked by Jude | 14 responses -
If you were visiting your hometown and redeveloped feelings for an old crush, would you do anything about it?
Asked by Blackberry | 15 responses -
Moms: Did you get a "push present" after delivering? Everyone else, have you even HEARD of this before?
Asked by keobooks | 41 responses -
Do you believe in true love?
Asked by athenasgriffin | 46 responses -
Are you related to anyone famous?
Asked by KateTheGreat | 29 responses -
Is it normal to be too passionate about a song?
Asked by QueenOfNowhere | 16 responses -
What helps you to focus?
Asked by Paul | 15 responses -
What is your (nearly impossible) fantasy for travel adventures?
Asked by prolificus | 20 responses -
If FB and twitter have endless scrolling why don't they have a go to top button?
Asked by atlantis | 8 responses -
Is it OK to dumb yourself down in order to enjoy being with a certain friend?
Asked by rockfan | 54 responses -
Which is the greater cause of fat people, the people themselves, or the food industry?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 56 responses -
What are popular songs in strip clubs?
Asked by JesusWasAJewbot | 6 responses -
Has anyone ever tried the Orange Mango Smoothie at Starbucks?
Asked by livelaughlove21 | 14 responses -
Are inappropriate comments from father to daughter akin to emotional rape?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 61 responses -
Lyrics Quiz, anyone?
Asked by rebbel | 13 responses -
Did you ever have a dream that affected your waking attitude?
Asked by Blueroses | 10 responses -
How would you handle this? (sorta NSFW)
Asked by Nullo | 27 responses -
Are you ready for the newest technology that will be indistinguishable from magic?
Asked by Photosopher | 7 responses -
Have you ever heard a new song and just been moved by it?
Asked by marinelife | 37 responses -
NSFW (allowed)- If you passed away today... (see details)
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 38 responses
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