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What are your thoughts on this statement?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 19 responses -
If you were in charge, and cash payments were going to be doled out, what criteria would you use to determine who gets it and who doesn't?
Asked by jca2 | 17 responses -
How many lives would have been saved if we taught social distancing properly before the Covid19 arrived in Canada and the USA , and the world?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 14 responses -
Using only the Constitution, how would you jolt the US back to sanity (details)
Asked by SaganRitual | 8 responses -
Monotheists, how do you know there is only one god?
Asked by ETpro | 24 responses -
Theists, how did you decide which god or gods you would worship?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses -
Do you think Congress' first "Must Purchase Mandate" --The "Militia Act of 1792 -- was unconstitutional?
Asked by ETpro | 10 responses -
What executive position in government would you like? (P&R)
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 3 responses -
Should strippers/prostitutes be banned from private religious colleges?
Asked by furious_rose | 29 responses -
How is it a true Democracy when the guy with the fewer votes wins?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 34 responses -
How are we to suppress Trump as the nation’s leading source of covid disinformation?
Asked by stanleybmanly from iPhone | 43 responses -
With the surge of new Covid19 cases in the US, is the economy opening up too fast?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 26 responses -
Would you send your child to school wearing a political T-shirt (Trump / Pence in this case) and then complain when he gets called names?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 46 responses -
Did Trump only pay $750 in taxes, or he owed $750 at the end of the year?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 19 responses -
What would you say to talk sense into the townspeople if you were placed in the Salem witch trials?
Asked by j65472 from iPhone | 8 responses -
Are we fulfilling Lincoln's challenge in the Gettysburg Address?
Asked by RandomGirl | 9 responses -
Why have prejudices & stereotypes got such a bad reputation?
Asked by JeffVader | 72 responses -
Could the fly that perched on Pence's silver hair have been a tiny Democratic drone fly sent there to annoy Pence?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 16 responses -
Is a fly the sign of ominous things to come?
Asked by chyna from iPhone | 5 responses -
Can someone tell me exactly what Hillary has done to be given such a bad reputation?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 20 responses -
Trump compares cop who shoots a man many times in the back to a golfer who misses a putt: How can the President's speech be justified?
Asked by jca2 | 61 responses -
I wonder how history will record, document & remember the time of this virus...what do you think?
Asked by ucme | 26 responses -
What is your opinion on the forced mass sterilisations being perpetrated at the ICE concentration camps?
Asked by ragingloli | 14 responses -
What do you say to those minimizing COVID deaths?
Asked by longgone | 31 responses -
Regarding removing statues from public places: What would be your criteria?
Asked by jca2 | 22 responses -
No matter your party or beliefs, shouldn't Trump be stopped from pushing through a Supreme Court Justice in less than a week of the death of Ruth Ginsburg?
Asked by chyna | 27 responses -
Was the indictment in the Breonna Taylor shooting fair?
Asked by Demosthenes | 74 responses -
Is there a solution to every problem?
Asked by rojo | 21 responses -
Is it true that Mother Teresa was secretly an atheist?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 32 responses -
Why do some people have such a hard time believing that a person can be an atheist AND be a compassionate person too?
Asked by Dutchess_lll | 14 responses -
Would you go to your Banker for dental advice?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 9 responses -
When will the White House bring out Trump's body double?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 5 responses -
What are the pros and cons for having one's wish granted? (P&R)
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 15 responses -
What are the best rude and offensive questions to ask someone?
Asked by lucillelucillelucille | 28 responses -
What is one of the stranger things to happen to you on a date?
Asked by lucillelucillelucille | 70 responses