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Did you know that "nother" is now officially defined as a word [adjective] by Merriam-Webster dictionary?
Asked by ibstubro | 15 responses -
Would you help me decide on an accent color to paint a travel trailer ceiling?
Asked by Coloma | 18 responses -
Why does MADD Canada say to take a taxi when you drink, when taxis don't want them?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 8 responses -
Which planet best to escape Earth when our sun gets too hot?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 8 responses -
Should the Star Trek 3 villain have been Kang and not Kruge?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 1 response -
(NSFW) Would you take money for a three-way?
Asked by Eggie | 15 responses -
Do many people take their lunch to work any more?
Asked by rojo | 14 responses -
Has the weather where you live been really weird lately?
Asked by jca | 14 responses -
Anyone every watch that TV show, Highway thru Hell?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 7 responses -
Book Recommendations?
Asked by Magical_Muggle | 24 responses -
What do you think the things people collect says about them?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 15 responses -
Trump hair: is this going to become a phenomenon?
Asked by Jeruba | 8 responses -
Was America never Great?
Asked by Cruiser | 50 responses -
Was I 'catfished'?
Asked by trailsillustrated | 52 responses -
How shall the Trump-Sanders televised debate drinking game be played?
Asked by SecondHandStoke | 19 responses -
How should Clinton campaign against Trump?
Asked by LostInParadise | 16 responses -
What are your thoughts on the multiverse theory?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 9 responses -
Are you carrying your towel today?
Asked by Rarebear | 35 responses -
What do you think about women approaching men...
Asked by travelbabe24 from iPhone | 20 responses -
[NSFW]Adults, have you ever soiled yourself?
Asked by Blondesjon | 41 responses -
Why not simply refuse to vote for Donald Trump?
Asked by josie | 30 responses -
Is the word "unbelievable" positive or negative?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 12 responses -
What is the worst side effect from medication?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
Has your dog or cat revealed their choice for President to you?
Asked by SecondHandStoke | 37 responses -
Can you help me with this decorating problem?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 37 responses -
What temperature do you like a cool glass of water?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 20 responses -
Did you have any funny misconceptions as a child?
Asked by lugerruger | 28 responses -
Why do mirrors flip images side-to-side but not top-to-bottom?
Asked by CWOTUS | 8 responses -
Are you what you think you are?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 25 responses -
Can high blood pressure/heart condition be drastically affected by weather?
Asked by ibstubro | 8 responses -
If I were to now utter "fantastic actor", which men would you say qualify as such?
Asked by ucme | 61 responses -
I have the opportunity to watch Outlander from its first season to current. Is is worth investing time into?
Asked by Buttonstc | 14 responses -
If extraterrestrials had a human bait to rid the Earth of people, what would it be?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 44 responses -
(NSFW) Are you opposed to pornography?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 43 responses -
Tips on writing horror?
Asked by Misspegasister28 | 5 responses