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I'm seeing coconut oil for sale everywhere. Have you used it for cooking and do you believe coconut oil to be a fad or a trend with staying power?
Asked by ibstubro | 78 responses -
How far would you go to support a co-worker?
Asked by msh from iPhone | 13 responses -
What do you think about white actors being cast as black historical figures and vice versa?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 31 responses -
Is your car fast and loud?
Asked by Buffaloman | 19 responses -
Are people in small towns part of modern society?
Asked by Buffaloman | 114 responses -
Which one is your favourite mode of conversation?
Asked by imrainmaker | 34 responses -
Are you a boy at heart that loves games? This may be the bachelor pad for you!
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
Are you aware of all the military bases the United States operates around the world?
Asked by msh from iPhone | 10 responses -
Ok, you are in the shower, how do you handle the 'leg situation'?
Asked by msh from iPhone | 21 responses -
Is afluenza a real thing?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 19 responses -
When it is cold and rainy on a Saturday night what do you do?
Asked by LornaLove | 26 responses -
My son's looking to replace a VW Golf that's been a maintenance headache. How's the Honda Fit?
Asked by ETpro | 27 responses -
You are the sole recipient of 800 million dollars, how will your life change?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 26 responses -
Is anyone else tired of their Facebook feed being overrun by memorials whenever a celebrity dies?
Asked by dammitjanetfromvegas | 17 responses -
Is it me or is it true that more and more people are being diagnosed with brain tumors at a rather early age these days?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 3 responses -
Is it true that the one who cares less in the one who has the most control in a relationship?
Asked by partyrock | 15 responses -
Why does falling in love makes us feel so dreamy and out of reality?
Asked by partyrock | 19 responses -
Can we acquire a deep sadness from an event that never goes away?
Asked by Shippy | 26 responses -
If you accidently ran into your "first love", what would be your first thought?
Asked by john65pennington | 31 responses -
Does your hometown seem to be smaller?(see inside).
Asked by john65pennington | 11 responses -
What constitues a [bleep NSFW] partner?
Asked by sliceswiththings | 29 responses -
How much do you love/hate remodeling?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 15 responses -
Did you know if you're born on the side of the road, that's what shows up on your birth certificate and is that ok?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 19 responses -
What is the best contribution to humanity you have?
Asked by wundayatta | 29 responses -
What's your excuse?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses -
Why are we always searching for beauty?
Asked by partyrock | 22 responses -
How does Redbox keep its supply balanced in each kiosk?
Asked by rojo | 3 responses -
How many women would voluntarily sit down on a cold, dirty toilet seat to pee if presented with the alternative of using an apparatus such as a man's "handy dispenser"?
Asked by ibstubro | 17 responses -
I just found an unopened box of Bisquick in my cabinet with a Best By date of 04 Sept 04. Do you suppose there's any scientific/collectible/archival interest in it?
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
Why would a praying mantis need a convertible and a boy toy?
Asked by ibstubro | 2 responses -
Mexican drug lord is captured once more?
Asked by imrainmaker | 9 responses -
What would human caviar look like? How would it taste? And what would be the price for a 100g tin?
Asked by ragingloli | 3 responses -
Colored hair in the work place?
Asked by FeelTheBern | 27 responses -
Wait, what, how are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio the same age?
Asked by johnpowell | 6 responses -
When hotspots are taken and placed upon a global map, does it make you better able to absorb a great deal of information?
Asked by msh from iPhone | 3 responses