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Is he interested?
Asked by OctoberMoon81 | 8 responses -
What's the most strenuous activity you do?
Asked by crissy14 | 49 responses -
To you, what is the most important non-living item in your home?
Asked by ibstubro | 20 responses -
What is the appeal of extremely violent films?
Asked by lloydbird | 34 responses -
Does being a straight—looking gay means I haven't faced up to my sexual orientation?
Asked by wsxwh111 | 12 responses -
What fall activities are you looking forward to this year?
Asked by nicole29 | 12 responses -
If men were really from Mars, what kind of a place would it be?
Asked by kritiper | 17 responses -
What are some things you appreciate in your life?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 34 responses -
[NSFW] Why don't they show gay couples on TV kissing?
Asked by Jellie | 31 responses -
Can you do any tricks, feats of athleticism or anything unusual, physically?
Asked by jca | 10 responses -
What countries have you been to?
Asked by Frenchfry | 27 responses -
Where can I get the beginnings of music videos with the words removed?
Asked by talljasperman | 2 responses -
What are the different ways to remove facial hair for men?
Asked by gamefu91 | 9 responses -
Did you know that today is National farm Animal Day?
Asked by Coloma | 13 responses -
Do you believe the holocaust happened?
Asked by Hunter144 | 40 responses -
If a child did something deliberately awful to you, and the parents were light or even skipped punishment, what would you do?
Asked by keobooks | 29 responses -
Realistically, what can a 45 watt solar panel system be used for?
Asked by rojo | 17 responses -
Who wants to play TJBM (The Jelly Below Me) #58?
Asked by Brian1946 | 448 responses -
Do you prefer a good limerick or a good haiku? (Possibly NSFW)
Asked by ibstubro | 20 responses -
Have I broken a law here, and what are my options?
Asked by filmfann | 18 responses -
What were the first action movies with Dracula and/or vampires in it?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 4 responses -
What do you think about Windows 10?
Asked by reijinni | 13 responses -
Why is it in america so many people call mixed race people black when it is clear they are not fully black?
Asked by chinchin31 | 96 responses -
General down! Isn’t the attack in Afghanistan a reminder that in war, you are never 100% safe on the battlefield?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 4 responses -
Who are the best aliens in Babylon 5?
Asked by 2TFX | 5 responses -
Do I have to supply an address?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 23 responses -
Would you say anything to a customer overhandling fruit at the grocery store?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 27 responses -
I have tried the police, I have tried my landlord, I have bought a subwoofer.
Asked by johnpowell | 93 responses -
What historical events have been brought to your attention through music?
Asked by hominid | 50 responses -
Is this some sort of de ja vu?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 12 responses -
Is it illegal to return and use your maiden name after you divorce?
Asked by BeccaBoo | 17 responses -
Why do people have trouble distinguishing between disliking an idea, and disliking the person who has that idea?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 22 responses -
What is your opinion on this article about the resurgence of grammar?
Asked by rojo | 20 responses -
Did you ever want to make a Youtube video?
Asked by burntbonez | 5 responses -
Does anyone remember the heyday of chat rooms? Excluding Fluther's, of course, does anything like that still exist?
Asked by syz | 10 responses