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What's a film you once liked, but now feel has lost its appeal?
Asked by ucme | 10 responses -
What kind of weird non-toy did your kids like to play with?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 65 responses -
Do you have a system when filling your trolley at the supermarket and bagging your purchases?
Asked by Stinley | 7 responses -
How did your sleep habits change as you aged?
Asked by jca | 12 responses -
Can you help me identify this song?
Asked by longgone | 4 responses -
Cherries in brandy in an air tight bag, refrigerated. Do you think they're good for baking, after about 6 months, or should I discard them?
Asked by jca | 12 responses -
Why is not knowing your heritage's language such a disgrace?
Asked by chelle21689 | 5 responses -
What is a PHP error?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 6 responses -
Are you the type that can be "Brought home to meet mother?"?
Asked by UnholyThirst | 17 responses -
What's your perfect moment?
Asked by bluish | 13 responses -
Is anybody else watching AGT (America's Got Talent) this season? Who's your favorite?
Asked by Buttonstc from iPhone | 2 responses -
Amazon's Fire sale; clever marketing ploy or just reeks of desperation?
Asked by Buttonstc from iPhone | 5 responses -
What's the perfect age to have a child?
Asked by livelaughlove21 | 46 responses -
What surprised you recently?
Asked by gailcalled | 43 responses -
Do you regret your first kiss?
Asked by AshLeigh | 45 responses -
Do people sometimes think they really, really want to do something, but in talking to them it's obvious to you that they haven't thought it through?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 8 responses -
What are your rights if a child assaults you?
Asked by Feta | 20 responses -
Have you received or given any random acts of kindness recently?
Asked by bookish1 | 13 responses -
Is a decent quality toilet seat from Walmart going to be equivalent in quality to a decent toilet seat from Home Depot?
Asked by jca | 19 responses -
What has gotten into my old dog?
Asked by rojo | 20 responses -
Did you know about, and how do you feel about, the fact that according to US law, children as young as 12 can work up to 12 hours per day picking tobacco?
Asked by jca | 25 responses -
[NSFW] How would you rewrite this scene's dialog to make it better?
Asked by ragingloli | 12 responses -
How would you get a bat out of an office with high ceilings like 12 feet or so?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 31 responses -
What are some good sports bras that don't have the uni-boob effect?
Asked by wonderwomanUSA | 8 responses -
Does your diet change with the seasons?
Asked by hominid | 18 responses -
What do you think of this case, where a 200 pound 3rd grader was placed in foster care because (the state said) the mother wasn't doing enough to control his weight?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 22 responses -
How do you treat telemarketers/phone surveyors when they call?
Asked by 8Convulsions | 34 responses -
What version of eeny-meeny did you learn?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 38 responses -
Do you know any men who have had lots of children with lots of women?
Asked by Here2_4 | 31 responses -
Would you be slightly offended by this situation?
Asked by cheebdragon from iPhone | 27 responses -
How did the tradition of bridesmaids and best men being friends and siblings develop, and why do the parents take a back seat?
Asked by JLeslie | 6 responses -
Does anyone know the origin of this drawing of a chef winking and making the "OK" sign?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 15 responses -
Share some good memories?
Asked by Here2_4 | 10 responses -
Does it break your heart that we have that hideous war going on, innocent people and children are being slaughtered...all in the name of God?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 44 responses -
What mathematical truth is the most astonishing?
Asked by flutherother | 21 responses