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Salem Saberhagen and Toonces the Driving Cat. Who would win in a fight?
Asked by SecondHandStoke | 2 responses -
Would you be surprised if militant Islamists, and the terrorism that they advocate, had something to do with women's boobs?
Asked by josie | 11 responses -
What do you wish you knew about your college major/career path before you chose it?
Asked by Wine | 6 responses -
Does this sound like a good new set of goals to start on my 29th Birthday?
Asked by Derrick545 | 5 responses -
Anyone else crying at the passing of Maya Angelou?
Asked by cazzie | 11 responses -
Any words describing how you feel that start with either of your initials?
Asked by ucme | 31 responses -
Is anyone else disappointed with the new X Men movie?
Asked by filmfann | 6 responses -
If life functioned the same way as Photoshop...?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 11 responses -
Work and Home life?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 8 responses -
NSFW Is there a proper way to receive pleasure?
Asked by Unbroken | 24 responses -
What is your scrabble strategy? Points or word quality?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 41 responses -
What are the kind words to say in this unfortunate situation?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 15 responses -
What do you think about Tennessee's plan to bring back the Electric Chair?
Asked by filmfann | 75 responses -
What are you doing to 'go green', i.e. possibly help the environment?
Asked by ibstubro | 13 responses -
What is the highest paid hourly wage job in the world?
Asked by talljasperman | 8 responses -
Have you ever had to perform a software upgrade on your DVD player?
Asked by filmfann | 6 responses -
What is the best hot dog you've ever eaten?
Asked by Dr_Dredd | 19 responses -
Smart people of Fluther; solve this, if you can (details inside)?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 22 responses -
Have you ever been suckered?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 7 responses -
Do you get annoyed when people crunch on popcorn (with their mouth open) in the movie theater?
Asked by rockfan | 35 responses -
Have you ever done any community theater?
Asked by anniereborn | 13 responses -
Have you or someone you know been married by a Captain?
Asked by SecondHandStoke | 5 responses -
What is your addiction, whether by choice or not?
Asked by zenzen | 26 responses -
What should children learn in school?
Asked by longgone | 13 responses -
Do you have any realistic theories about Malaysian 370?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 48 responses -
How do you help a significant other with loss?
Asked by browneyes | 10 responses -
Do you think North and South Korea firing shots at each other's boats today is the start to World War III?
Asked by Dan_Lyons | 14 responses -
What is your favorite teen book?
Asked by CatLover002 | 45 responses -
What kind of experience do you expect from your movie when you go to the cinema?
Asked by zenele | 17 responses -
Who do you know who never walks or exercises and is over 80?
Asked by Aster | 16 responses -
Why should we choose you?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 44 responses -
You may have one assistant. Which would you choose?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 20 responses -
Does my friend's brother like me or am I misreading him?
Asked by FoxyCleo from iPhone | 8 responses -
Is living to 90 such a great deal, or would you prefer to pass onto the next stage of existence a tad earlier, say around 75?
Asked by Dan_Lyons | 20 responses -
Veterans of RHPS(Rocky Horror): what are your favorite audience participation moments?
Asked by Buttonstc from iPhone | 11 responses