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What funny/cute errors did you make as a kid with regards to reading?
Asked by ucme | 26 responses -
Is Cliven Bundy's status as an anti-government hero going down?
Asked by DominicX | 13 responses -
What movie based on a book have you found to be most accurate to the text?
Asked by poofandmook | 28 responses -
Would you say the other Mogwai were jerks before they were gremlins when compared to Gizmo?
Asked by talljasperman | 3 responses -
Would you feel better if someone was put to death?
Asked by LornaLove | 38 responses -
Do you think they'll let my 8-year-old, third grade grandson retake the state exams?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 12 responses -
What are some of your favorite scenes from sit coms?
Asked by keobooks | 24 responses -
What's your opinion on the TSA?
Asked by Feta | 32 responses -
What does a woman's ideal man look like?
Asked by MarvinPowell | 41 responses -
Does the veracity of the Bible hinge on its historical accuracy?
Asked by DominicX | 32 responses -
Do you find growing older scary?
Asked by LornaLove | 65 responses -
Do/did you have any school subjects that you hate not because of their nature but because of other factors?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 29 responses -
Why all the hate for the Porsche Cayman?
Asked by SecondHandStoke | 5 responses -
Women, do you like men to wear a pink necktie or pink shirt?
Asked by Aster | 10 responses -
What has been the most difficult part about your becoming an adult?
Asked by prolificus | 43 responses -
Have you ever stuck out your hands and pretended that you are shooting lighting bolts from your hands?
Asked by talljasperman | 17 responses -
Do you think that Boredom between two people comes from being together physically? Or rather from being apart mentally and spiritually?
Asked by Dan_Lyons | 16 responses -
Why the Smart Ass Answers ?
Asked by HighShaman | 62 responses -
What would you like to ask an atheist?
Asked by ETpro | 271 responses -
What can I put in my fenced yard to entertain these dogs?
Asked by Judi | 22 responses -
Why does the government subsidize these specific crops?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 15 responses -
Which song would be better to send to my boyfriend?
Asked by creepypastagirl | 6 responses -
QUICK! What horror movie should I watch on Netflix right now?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 24 responses -
Have you ever seen anyone clean an ice machine?
Asked by Aster | 9 responses -
Would you date a stripper/exotic dancer ?
Asked by dutchbrossis | 33 responses -
Do you hate empty spaces?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 21 responses -
Is suicide a selfish act?
Asked by jca | 48 responses -
Why do some people use offensive words, even after they know they are offensive?
Asked by anonymom | 71 responses -
Mickey Mouse: American icon, or annoying sh*tkicker?
Asked by ucme | 28 responses -
Why does the U.S government subsidize fast food companies?
Asked by Paradox25 | 23 responses -
Is the idea of a sugar high a myth?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 37 responses -
Have you ever run away from home?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 20 responses -
Do you prefer banana milk to almond and , if so, how do you make it?
Asked by Aster | 7 responses -
Do all men look at porn ?
Asked by tuesday242 | 38 responses -
Would you care to share a Fave website/blog you've been addicted to the past few days?
Asked by zenzen | 11 responses