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Can you ask your life partner what their favorite decade with you was and why?
Asked by pleiades | 10 responses -
I can't tell what this girl is trying to say?
Asked by highschoolfreshman1234 | 9 responses -
Relationship question?
Asked by Recon_Warrior | 9 responses -
I have some common warts on my fingers and I play guitar. Suggestions?
Asked by jfos | 6 responses -
Is Arizona's anti gay law fair?
Asked by 2TFX | 20 responses -
Are prostitutes criminals or victims?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 31 responses -
First Knockout Games, now we have Polar Bear hunts...wth is wrong with our youth?
Asked by Cruiser | 17 responses -
Have you ever had anything, such as a comment or a picture, go viral?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 13 responses -
Isn’t the best defence a good offence? I wonder what an offensive diving school would be like?
Asked by talljasperman | 11 responses -
Do you think the Pledge of Allegiance should be reverted to its original text?
Asked by rpm_pseud0name | 47 responses -
Would a world without religion be good, bad, or neutral?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 50 responses -
Have you ever asked questions when you absolutely had no reason to ask?
Asked by Khajuria9 | 6 responses -
When gay couples get divorced, who is the bad guy?
Asked by josie | 13 responses -
Would you participate in a forum that allowed flaming?
Asked by keobooks | 24 responses -
Have you ever considered calling the cops to teach your kid a lesson?
Asked by Seek | 24 responses -
Is it normal to experience synchronicity on a regular basis?
Asked by LostInParadise | 10 responses -
Would you please genuinely watch this video with no thoughts whatsoever and then telling me how you felt about it?
Asked by pleiades | 11 responses -
Does anything in your past exist that would prevent you from going into politics?
Asked by talljasperman | 17 responses -
Why are some of the people who don't believe that humans are affecting the climate, so screamingly hateful towards those who do believe we affect the climate?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 47 responses -
Why did the writers of Back to the Future call the "flux" in flux capacitor, and what is a "capacitor"?
Asked by talljasperman | 7 responses -
Are there any Revolution fans still watching it? Or have you given up on it this season?
Asked by Buttonstc from iPhone | 5 responses -
Are you a haggler?
Asked by keobooks | 22 responses -
What old school games would you like to play?
Asked by tedd | 34 responses -
Why has there always been an unfair double standard ?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 29 responses -
How to make fried pickles?
Asked by HarryPotterFreak | 9 responses -
What is your experience with managing chronic pain if traditional approaches have been unsuccessful?
Asked by hominid | 12 responses -
What are some examples of funny/rude street names you know or have heard of?
Asked by ucme | 30 responses -
TJBM, The Jelly Below Me, #53?
Asked by ibstubro | 473 responses -
(NSFW) Guys, how does your choice of underwear affect the way you use a urinal (or toilet, or outhouse, or bush, or...)?
Asked by Strauss | 7 responses -
Is your job making you feel "sick"?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 10 responses -
Have you known of anyone given ether alone before a surgery?
Asked by Aster | 9 responses -
What the hell is this?
Asked by filmfann | 10 responses -
Would it bother you if you were the parent of a Girl Scout, and they're encouraged to sell cookies, including standing out in the cold in front of stores, yet the leader of the GS organization makes almost half a million dollars a year?
Asked by jca | 64 responses -
Why is Maryland leaving the ACC for the Big 10?
Asked by srmorgan | 1 response -
What is the worst thing you can call a politician?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 31 responses