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Putin says gay visitors to Sochi Olympics must "leave children alone". Does that mean he's OK with heterosexual child molesters?
Asked by ETpro | 32 responses -
Why do guys always harass me?
Asked by Username123 from iPhone | 8 responses -
If you could only listen to three songs for the rest of your life, what songs would you choose?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 43 responses -
[NSFW] How do we limit births to avoid disaster due to resource depletion, pollution and destruction of nature?
Asked by ETpro | 28 responses -
What to do about people who just want to praise themselves constantly?
Asked by Berserker | 22 responses -
Have you ever dreamed of flying?
Asked by syz | 8 responses -
Are there any qualities, habits, traits, or characteristics that you can't stand seeing in other people but that you know you possess?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 22 responses -
What is your idea of true love?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 8 responses -
Who pays when a bank is robbed?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 17 responses -
What are you Not Doing to celebrate Nothing Day?
Asked by ETpro | 27 responses -
Shall we honor someone alive?
Asked by Jonesn4burgers | 1 response -
How do you get over hurt feelings when clients and customers complain or verbally attack you?
Asked by Carly | 10 responses -
"We gave aid to another country?! What about OUR problems?!"?
Asked by DominicX | 34 responses -
Any jellies taking a combination of Armour thyroid and Synthroid?
Asked by JLeslie | 2 responses -
What's a good real estate company name?
Asked by drpoop | 40 responses -
If the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
Asked by ISmart | 17 responses -
Do you constantly think/worry about what "was", "what is" or "what will be?"?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 22 responses -
Have you ever done something so strange that folks questioned your sanity?
Asked by DWW25921 | 31 responses -
What defines a "good person"?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 23 responses -
Think of your childhood...what was missing?
Asked by longgone | 47 responses -
Where is the real source of Crystal Geyser water?
Asked by ISmart | 7 responses -
Is "Polar Vortex" a new term to stoke up weather hysteria?
Asked by josie | 29 responses -
Are you fascinated by the search for extraterrestrial life?
Asked by philosopher | 19 responses -
Is texting in a small social gathering sort of rude, in the same way that whispering might be regarded as rude?
Asked by josie | 27 responses -
Do intelligent animals react to music in a major cord differently from music in a minor?
Asked by ETpro | 18 responses -
What is the difference between the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 16 responses -
Is anyone watching Escaping The Prophet about FLDS?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 18 responses -
Can you name a field or profession other than politics in which a dummy can prosper and achieve success?
Asked by stanleybmanly | 26 responses -
Jar Jar Abrams and his entire team of hack writers have been killed by
Asked by ragingloli | 17 responsesterroristsfreedom fighters. You are put in charge of producing the next Star Trek movie. Who will you hire to direct, and who will you hire to write the script? -
What do you say to an obese doctor who tells you to cut out sweets?
Asked by Aster | 19 responses -
Death penalty for texting in a movie theater?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 78 responses -
What's the nicest thing a complete stranger has ever done for you?
Asked by jordym84 | 21 responses -
How do you like your coffee? And how much?
Asked by livelaughlove21 | 27 responses -
You are a wood elf, and you see two human hunters get cornered by a bear, their weapons having been swatted away by the beast. What will you do?
Asked by ragingloli | 25 responses -
Should this elephant have been put down?
Asked by flutherother | 11 responses