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What are some situations where you can see the person but not hear them?
Asked by illusionslies | 11 responses -
Do you like when a stranger offers you help?
Asked by JLeslie | 25 responses -
What are antigravity tampons?
Asked by Unbroken | 11 responses -
Any thoughts on Sons of Anarchy?
Asked by Katniss from iPhone | 11 responses -
What is the most nervous you've ever been?
Asked by pleiades | 8 responses -
What is your relationship to your clothes?
Asked by picante | 22 responses -
How can one prove all arranged marriages are wrong by logic other than your dislike of them?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 25 responses -
Will you help me plan my Canadian adventure?
Asked by picante | 10 responses -
Should the US become a third-world banana-republic?
Asked by ETpro | 25 responses -
What does acceptance feel like?
Asked by Unbroken | 8 responses -
Tips for out of state freshmen?
Asked by meagan | 12 responses -
What can you tell me about the rotation diet?
Asked by Unbroken | 7 responses -
I don't know what to do. He walked past me and now it's over?
Asked by illusionslies | 10 responses -
Should this 8 year old be punished?
Asked by chyna | 43 responses -
Maybe NSFW: What does this chart imply about the behavior of different generations?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 8 responses -
What exactly do people do when they're on their iPhones?
Asked by dxs | 11 responses -
(NSFW) When I pleasure myself I say the name of the girl I like (somewhat love) "Amber" is that a odd thing to do? (1st awkward question....)
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 33 responses -
Since when are diapers "Bio hazards?"?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 49 responses -
Why don't we use toe prints?
Asked by Unbroken | 8 responses -
Who has the highest windows score, mine is 4.3?
Asked by talljasperman | 25 responses -
What did you gain in middle age or old age?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 23 responses -
What high school graduates have entry level jobs where they get nap time and recess?
Asked by talljasperman | 11 responses -
Can I have some advice with my throat problem?
Asked by NickiC26 | 4 responses -
What is your job/occupation?
Asked by tups | 52 responses -
Would you answer this question about dreams?
Asked by Sunny2 | 13 responses -
To what degree are the problems with the Obamacare website due to sabotage?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 6 responses -
What are some things one could be blamed for, when they're guilty of something else?
Asked by illusionslies | 1 response -
What song reminds you of your dating days?
Asked by Headhurts | 29 responses -
Did depression give you courage?
Asked by JLeslie | 21 responses -
What did the first single-cell life on Earth eat?
Asked by ETpro | 14 responses -
Why are people embarrassed to say they support feminism?
Asked by desiree333 | 45 responses -
Have you ever "discovered" a musical group that's been around for a long time and wondered "How did I miss this?"?
Asked by syz | 37 responses -
Do you think kids should be arrested for bullying?
Asked by jca | 35 responses -
How much do teachers make daily/weekly compared to other professions?
Asked by JLeslie | 99 responses -
Can you complete this "Walk into a bar..." joke?
Asked by ETpro | 18 responses