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Is there anything that no people say?
Asked by ETpro | 23 responses -
How can I make my cat's final days comfortable?
Asked by ETpro | 60 responses -
What will it take to get the US to be at least a 65% pedal nation (bike wise)?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 39 responses -
How knowledgeable are you about politics in your local municipalities?
Asked by jca | 13 responses -
How smart is too smart ?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 39 responses -
Free will or determinism -- what difference would it make in how you live your life?
Asked by ETpro | 20 responses -
How do you pronounce "Buick"?
Asked by ragingloli | 39 responses -
Tabouli, hummus, pita bread, and--what?
Asked by Jeruba | 17 responses -
What's your A.Q.?
Asked by bolwerk | 74 responses -
How do I fix this basement gas smell?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 10 responses -
Can you tell us about a family heirloom you have passed down?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 7 responses -
Is it a good idea to put ones dental work live for the patient to watch on the t.v.
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
How have your long-term relationships changed over the years?
Asked by nikipedia | 25 responses -
My philosphy professor said to my class of 1999 that he got his Ph.D. by sharing his pot with the professor , was he serious?
Asked by talljasperman | 9 responses -
Where do your sleeping cats lie?
Asked by Pachy | 29 responses -
What is the best way to have a discussion requiring citations on the internet?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 11 responses -
What can Blackberry do to avoid going bankrupt?
Asked by talljasperman | 7 responses -
What happened to toys in cereal boxes?
Asked by Supacase | 11 responses -
What's wrong in Alaaaaa-BAMA!
Asked by KNOWITALL | 11 responses -
It's Taco TUESDAY, right?
Asked by Blondesjon | 12 responses -
Is it right to pay for the doctor to give you a clean health to drive when the licensing dept asks for it?
Asked by graynett | 22 responses -
If you had infinite money , or 1 trillion dollars, and access to talent how close can you get to build a starcraft/probe/shuttle?
Asked by talljasperman | 11 responses -
What are the requirements for being exempt from the "Obamacare" laws?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 9 responses -
What do you think of this religious belief ?
Asked by Aster | 99 responses -
Do you oppose the Monsanto Guarantee Bill?
Asked by philosopher | 59 responses -
Are you planning to, or have actually you written one or more books that were published?
Asked by ETpro | 26 responses -
Batman Gurus: Do you buy or sell Steve Buschemi as The Riddler?
Asked by pleiades | 13 responses -
Why is it "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”?
Asked by josie | 26 responses -
Does carrying a severed rabbit's foot give the bearer good luck?
Asked by ETpro | 21 responses -
Would this freak you out?
Asked by flip86 | 21 responses -
How do you feel about bow ties?
Asked by jordym84 | 24 responses -
Thoughts on this video ("Cancer Cured In Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY!")
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 6 responses -
Aging sleep needs?
Asked by Suncatcher | 6 responses -
If you do not understand the reason(s) of a person's actions, do you automatically judge that person and make assumptions without even trying to understand them ?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 8 responses -
Slightly older nerdy folks- What did you do to socialize prior to the internet?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 32 responses