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Which is better: iWork '08 or Microsoft Office 2008?
Asked by AxSqrd | 10 responses -
Is apple accounts down for you?
Asked by Lost_World | 8 responses -
Does anyone know how I could send people notifications to people who would download my app I'm developing for iPhone?
Asked by jdogg | 4 responses -
Can you unlink an Apple device from your other ones?
Asked by janbb | 7 responses -
Does anyone have a Kodak Zi6?
Asked by cage | 1 response -
How do they know where I am?
Asked by JoshLake | 15 responses -
Do you get Page Not Found when you click on "View in itunes"?
Asked by flo | 13 responses -
Need help regarding my macbook overheating?
Asked by arcoarena | 5 responses -
For Programmers: What resources can you offer to someone learning C?
Asked by drClaw | 7 responses -
How do you use icloud to update contacts on an iPhone and an ipad?
Asked by Evelyn_475 | 3 responses -
How do you like Thunderbolt for Apple products so far?
Asked by _Whitetigress | 1 response -
What's a good program for Mac to rip songs from my iPhone to my computer?
Asked by TheCreative | 7 responses -
Mac Question: Is someone accessing my computer?
Asked by PandoraBoxx | 4 responses -
Why isn't my macbook pro (latest model) sleeping when I close it?
Asked by kfingerman | 3 responses -
How do I rename an mp4 file from a dvd?
Asked by Supergirl | 3 responses -
What am I supposed to do?
Asked by crunchaweezy | 16 responses -
Would turning off my Apple wireless mouse make a big difference in its battery life?
Asked by Harp | 3 responses -
If Steve Jobs steps down as CEO because of health problem, how would that affect Apple?
Asked by augama | 7 responses -
Designers, how much percentage of softwares did you BUY on your PC...?
Asked by 10dier | 32 responses -
Is there any way to archive text messages on an iPhone4?
Asked by whattodowhattodo | 2 responses -
Will Apple replace the "casing" of my Macbook Pro? The paint on the wrist pad/keyboard is peeling.
Asked by wenbert | 12 responses -
Can a voice memo be used as a ringtone on the iPhone 3GS?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 5 responses -
When would Apple come up with a new computer design?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 9 responses -
How do you change buddy font color on Adium?
Asked by queenzboulevard | 2 responses -
What glue should i use for a glass lcd cover for my iphone 2g?
Asked by elijahmurray | 3 responses