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What will run faster, an iMac intel core2 2.0GHz with 2GB memory or the 2.4GHz with only 1GHz memory?
Asked by pattyb from iPhone | 4 responses -
ITunes gift cards not working in Canada with Apps?
Asked by MrBlogger | 3 responses -
Best Screen Recording App for Mac?
Asked by swimmindude2496 | 10 responses -
Is iWork 09' worth updating to?
Asked by DeanV | 7 responses -
How secure is a mac?
Asked by afghanmoose from iPhone | 17 responses -
If I am using my company's exchange server on iOS, can the company monitor other aspects of my phone usage such as browser activity, apps, or texting?
Asked by freerangemonkey from iPhone | 6 responses -
Apple's iPad costs the same everywhere; why isn't this price fixing and a violation of anti-trust laws?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 19 responses -
How can I create a second iPhone backup?
Asked by fortris | 4 responses -
How to disable Game Center?
Asked by AshlynM | 4 responses -
Will Apple Store replace iPhone for free?
Asked by tjstalcup | 11 responses -
How do I connect my Nintendo DS to Nintendo WFC through my Apple Time Capsule?
Asked by bmhit1991 from iPhone | 12 responses -
Can I run Ubuntu?
Asked by swimmindude2496 | 17 responses -
How hard would be to get a job as a mac genius?
Asked by monsoon | 4 responses -
Is there an iPhone optimized dictionary available for the iPhone?
Asked by daniel89x from iPhone | 4 responses -
Would you buy the Apple tablet?
Asked by itmustbeken | 18 responses -
Which piece(s) of technology should I get for my month-long travels, and beyond?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 23 responses -
There are ways to get tethering for iphone right now...will it cost money to use it?
Asked by futurelaker88 | 15 responses -
My Macbook is also making clicking noises.
Asked by KimR | 5 responses -
In the Apple ecosystem, what's the difference between an "Associated Device" and an "iTunes-authorized computer"?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 6 responses -
What's a good free online Chess app for iPhone?
Asked by gambitking | 2 responses -
Can I hack and extend my Macbook's power cord?
Asked by rexpresso | 4 responses -
Can someone help me with quick time for mac?
Asked by Jeremycw1 | 10 responses -
Is there a program like this?
Asked by Bayjo98241 | 6 responses -
Are there plans for an iOS app for Fluther?
Asked by MattJude from iPhone | 4 responses -
What does everyone think of the Mac OSX update?
Asked by DeanV | 9 responses