Barack Obama
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Are you excited for OBAMA?
Asked by berocky1 | 52 responses -
If Obama loses the election, are Democrats going to think it was a conspiracy?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 61 responses -
Do Obama ads significantly outweigh Romney ads on all FaceBook accounts?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 16 responses -
Why should Obama win?
Asked by frigate1985 from iPhone | 15 responses -
Did Obama take senate oath on Koran or Bible?
Asked by queenzboulevard | 56 responses -
Did Obama know that oil would not be found in the Arctic?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 46 responses -
Who designed Barack Obama's web site?
Asked by sferik | 8 responses -
Would you want to be President?
Asked by autumn43 | 26 responses -
Should President Obama pardon Snowden?
Asked by Rarebear | 35 responses -
If Al Qaeda assassinated President Obama, what do you think the appropriate U.S. response should be?
Asked by cockswain | 31 responses -
What do you think of Clinton's criticism of Obama?
Asked by LostInParadise | 22 responses -
McCain character flaws?
Asked by augustlan | 29 responses -
What is your take on the latest Wikileaks dump on the CIA?
Asked by Cruiser | 29 responses -
The "power tie" of the 1990s--now the power "leg cross" of the 2000's?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 17 responses -
What's going on in the news?
Asked by Judi | 11 responses -
Why has there been a seemingly unending series of failures on the part of the Secret Service during the Obama administration?
Asked by ibstubro | 6 responses -
The president is the guest on a talk radio show. You are the next have one question. What do you ask?
Asked by Knotmyday | 21 responses -
Do you think Obama is already done?
Asked by Steve_A | 177 responses -
What music does Barack Obama listen to?
Asked by jdegrazia | 13 responses -
Should the US be committed to its allies who have done all they have asked (militarily, diplomatically) when their regime is toppled?
Asked by _zen_ | 9 responses -
Obama and Clinton? Yeah, more politics...
Asked by autumnofage | 13 responses -
What are the main cons of Obamacare?
Asked by DWW25921 | 59 responses -
Is my crazy ass political hypothetical even within the realm of possibility?
Asked by dalepetrie | 10 responses -
I'm completely ignorant. What are the differences between Obama and Clinton?
Asked by theloveprophet | 17 responses -
Why are crazy "birthers" trying to tear down Obama's birthplace, since he'd be a US citizen anyways due to his mother?
Asked by tedd | 84 responses