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What is the best text editor for HTML/XHTML/CSS/PHP/SQL on Ubuntu?
Asked by crisedwards | 4 responses -
What's the easiest way to learn how to code in CSS and PHP?
Asked by Patlutz | 10 responses -
How can I add "load next 10 items" buttons on my iPhone webapp?
Asked by sketchstudios | 51 responses -
HTML skills anyone? I nead your help!
Asked by bigkid | 7 responses -
How to manually put a background image on a tumblr layout that happens to have that feature disabled?
Asked by derpichu | 3 responses -
Is there an IM client for web developers - i.e. it doesn't screw up code?
Asked by kullervo | 5 responses -
How to become a css pro?
Asked by senthilkumar | 6 responses -
What should I learn after HTML?
Asked by spendy | 14 responses -
Can you add pages to Tumblr?
Asked by bigkid | 11 responses -
Good no-styling starter blogger template?
Asked by Narthur | 3 responses -
How do I remove the white space between divs that are inline-blocks?
Asked by jhbao from IM | 6 responses -
What is the difference between Frame and IFrame in HTML ?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 12 responses -
What is the best open-source CMS to use for a portfolio site?
Asked by jballou | 10 responses -
Help With Tumblr (Disqus Comments)
Asked by AlexZandi | 2 responses -
How to make table with followers tag pictures on my tumblr?
Asked by Miss_Optimisstic | 0 responses -
How wide should a website design be?
Asked by johnny0313x | 14 responses -
How do I add a header image to my tumblr theme?
Asked by kerpalsingh | 2 responses -
How to create a Shadow effect in Photoshop?
Asked by jhbao | 5 responses -
Web designers: is Dreamweaver CS4 worth it?
Asked by Qingu | 6 responses -
What are Thanksgiving colors?
Asked by johnpowell | 9 responses -
What's the better CSS framework for you?
Asked by Yeco | 6 responses -
Would anyone be willing to change a tumblr layout?
Asked by andreasbmx | 5 responses -
In what order should I learn web design languages?
Asked by nononoyesno | 20 responses -
Web design (CSS) question: how can I make something like this?
Asked by dopeguru | 5 responses -
Why is Safari on my Powerbook screwing with colors?
Asked by bluemukaki | 5 responses