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What percentage of Connecticut's population is near the coast?
Asked by gsiener | 1 response -
Does anybody know of a great plumber in the New Haven Area?
Asked by AriellaCG | 2 responses -
Christians what would you do if the High School your child attended called themselves "Home of the Blue Devils"?
Asked by BabylonFree | 49 responses -
Why is Connecticut considered one of the rich states when 3 largest cities in it [Hartford/New Haven/Bridgeport] are poorest of the nation?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 8 responses -
How long does a speeding ticket stay on driving record in Connecticut?
Asked by seVen | 4 responses -
Where are the best places to roller blade outside in Connecticut and Rhode Island?
Asked by stagayote54 | 2 responses -
Is Danbury CT too far a location to commute to NY airports?
Asked by Aravindr | 10 responses -
I had a dream, and now I need help with it. Who are these characters?
Asked by CWOTUS | 6 responses