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Has anyone felt that they have had their right to free speech violated under the law?
Asked by iamthemob | 20 responses -
What will you do if the government seriously tries to take our guns away?
Asked by Rangie | 232 responses -
There is a new Republican talking point called birthright citizenship. Do you think we need a constitutional amendment to eliminate it for illegal immigrants?
Asked by Ron_C | 63 responses -
What likely scenarios are imaginable leading to a Constitutional amendment in the US eliminating the Electoral College system and instituting popular election of the President?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 13 responses -
Should we expect as much from our politicians as we do of immigrants waiting to become a citizen or our high school kids (details inside)?
Asked by LadyMarissa | 20 responses -
How do conservative constitutionalists feel about Trump's disregard of the Constitution in regards to tariffs?
Asked by Caravanfan | 34 responses -
Trump took the 5th amendment more than 440 times in yesterday's deposition. What conclusions would you draw?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 83 responses -
What is the reason for the almost religious worship that is bestowed upon the founders in the US?
Asked by ragingloli | 14 responses -
Bill Clinton lied, George W. Bush lied, and Donald Trump lied. What, in your opinion, is the difference?
Asked by Strauss | 42 responses -
How much of the Constitution must we ignore in order to defend it?
Asked by ETpro | 32 responses -
Despite that higher levels of legal gun ownership correlates with more gun crimes, do you still think that high levels of gun ownership is preferable?
Asked by markferg | 72 responses -
Could a Supreme Court Judge preside in the nude if he so wished?
Asked by jtvoar16 | 22 responses -
Can it ever be justifiable to break the law in your opinion?
Asked by Paradox25 | 49 responses -
If corporations are now persons, as the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled, should Wall Street be shut down?
Asked by Dr_Dredd | 15 responses -
Awlaki and the CIA Hit List -- Should US Presidents have the right to target US Citizens for assassination without any judicial review?
Asked by ETpro | 14 responses -
Are you aware that President Obama signed the NDAA Law today?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 27 responses -
What right do we have to deny gay people the right to marry?
Asked by pikipupiba | 15 responses -
Do you think the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution is what racist people rely on to continue slavery in America present day?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 24 responses -
Which tenets of Islam does Ben Carson think are incompatible with the Constitution?
Asked by LostInParadise | 18 responses -
Is it becoming trendy to disregard the Constitution?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 16 responses -
Do you think America lives up to it's claims of religious freedom and tolerance?
Asked by ETpro | 41 responses -
Is swearing on the Bible mandatory, or can we opt out?
Asked by 717richboy | 15 responses -
A Federal District Court Judge in Florida has ruled the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is unconstitutional. What are your thoughts?
Asked by bkcunningham | 125 responses -
What's wrong with the census?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 94 responses -
Whose religious message should taxpayers be required to fund?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses