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Will the U.K. still qualify for European Investment Bank (EIB) loans after Brexit?
Asked by lynnk | 2 responses -
Where is the best Italian Restaurant in Berlin, Germany?
Asked by pinkfloyd | 0 responses -
How do you feel about the term 'old' Europe (introduced by Donald Rumsfeld in 2003)?
Asked by mattbrowne | 14 responses -
What is the best place to visit in Europe for a driving enthusiast?
Asked by Kade13 | 12 responses -
Is Europe heading for chaos?
Asked by Sandydog from iPhone | 17 responses -
Is it cheaper again to buy products in Europe with the U.S. dollar?
Asked by pleiades | 5 responses -
Where is the best place to travel (in the world) in Nov. and Dec.?
Asked by TheGreenBrideGuide | 11 responses -
How does European Citizenship work?
Asked by choreplay | 14 responses -
How can a European get Permanent Resident status or Working Visa to stay in the US?
Asked by MarcIsMyHero | 7 responses -
What are the main physical trade barriers of Europe?
Asked by tylerandcason | 4 responses -
Can you recommend a book or movie where the main characters are gypsies or are based on or around the gypsy way of life?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 31 responses -
I Need some advice on planning a trip with contiki...
Asked by Rv654321 | 3 responses -
Who has the foreign car model line up?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 5 responses -
Would Europe ever go to war to stop a country or countries from leaving the European Union?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 6 responses -
What to do with a day in Zurich?
Asked by kfingerman | 6 responses -
Is China the new idol for emerging economies?
Asked by ETpro | 22 responses -
What are the best English Language friendly hotels in Paris?
Asked by vainar | 2 responses -
How would you react?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 4 responses -
Why are ice hockey rinks in North American smaller than in Europe?
Asked by Anonymoususer | 5 responses -
What clothing should we pack for a December trip to Austria and Germany?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 7 responses -
what's the big deal about Amsterdam?
Asked by eyeofnyc from iPhone | 13 responses -
East or west europe, what do you like most?
Asked by max_gutierrez | 11 responses -
What do I have to see in Europe? (see inside for specifics)
Asked by Likeradar | 12 responses -
What is the general American perception of the Masters of Hardcore and gabber style music?
Asked by fullclip | 11 responses -
Please can you suggest a good Job site for me covering Information Security (CISSP) jobs in Europe?
Asked by Mushy99 | 2 responses