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What is your favorite fable or parable that teaches a moral theme or lesson?
Asked by MetroGnome217 | 31 responses -
Which direction is the best for sleep?
Asked by joli | 10 responses -
Dog sitting on a nail and howling story: do you know a similar one?
Asked by chrispayne | 7 responses -
Where do Archer and Fable come from?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 7 responses -
Fable and Fable: The Lost Chapters?
Asked by bmhit1991 | 4 responses -
Does anyone know how to trade with other characters in fable?
Asked by tocutetolive90 | 1 response -
Someone explain the story behind that fable game?
Asked by A_Beaverhausen | 9 responses -
Can you move dlc to a non xbox live enabled profile on the same box?
Asked by kyle94481 | 2 responses