Fluther is a website that provides personal answers to all sorts of questions.
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At times (like last night, midnight ET), this site gets REAL SLOW for me, especially for comments. Anyone else?
Asked by Mr_M | 5 responses -
Has anyone ever questioned your gender online?
Asked by Dr_C | 61 responses -
How many fluther surges have there been now?
Asked by shockvalue | 24 responses -
Has anyone lost a S.O. over their Fluther obsession?
Asked by chyna | 19 responses -
How long did it take you to get your Lurve to 1,000 points?
Asked by drClaw | 37 responses -
Fluther newcomers: have you been bitten by the lurve bug?
Asked by marinelife | 35 responses -
I think fluther.com deserves to have a Wikipedia entry, like wis.dm - Why hasn't anyone created an entry yet?
Asked by mattbrowne | 27 responses -
Am I doing chat rooms right?
Asked by marinelife | 15 responses -
If you knew you were going to die what would your last words be?
Asked by Myndecho | 55 responses -
What has been your favorite message to appear under your user name on the Fluther home page?
Asked by Dansedescygnes | 20 responses -
Were the new guidelines posted in response to the influx of wis.dm-ers?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 24 responses -
Does anyone post orginal content on here knowing your content becomes owned by Fluther?
Asked by Halliburton_Shill | 41 responses -
How does Fluther make money?
Asked by Benny | 31 responses -
Hey! Do you guys (fluther) feel like you were in a nice, quiet, calm pool--and suddenly all these people strange, nekid people are doing cannon balls in it?
Asked by Dutchess12 | 63 responses -
Does "lurve" behave according to economic models?
Asked by Harp | 15 responses -
Can someone clearly explain this whole wis.dm event?
Asked by patg7590 | 18 responses -
Can you tell me what the advantage to adding people to your fluther is?
Asked by Dutchess12 | 31 responses -
Have you ever had a major meltdown? What happened?
Asked by wundayatta | 26 responses -
Where is the chat room?
Asked by miasmom | 9 responses -
Do you get the feeling that we're not wanted here?
Asked by Benny | 158 responses -
Wow there are a lot of Wis.dm refugee on here. Do you think the non-wis.dmers resent us a little?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 53 responses -
Why do you think Fluther is so much more popular in the US than in other English-speaking countries?
Asked by jo_with_no_space | 8 responses -
What song would you pick to ease the tension between the new and old members?
Asked by ckinyc from iPhone | 32 responses -
Slowly saying goodbye to wis.dm - Are you grateful for the great server performance and the warm welcome on Fluther?
Asked by mattbrowne | 45 responses -
What name would you like to assign to the fluther mascot?
Asked by Kevisaurus | 24 responses