Fluther is a website that provides personal answers to all sorts of questions.
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Is Fluther slow tonight, or is it just my imagination?
Asked by jca | 67 responses -
If you had to change your username, what would you change it to?
Asked by AshLeigh | 230 responses -
Why are you on fluther.com?
Asked by mignondefleur | 107 responses -
Are you ever surprised by the GAs you gave to responses to old questions?
Asked by dappled_leaves | 10 responses -
Have you ever hit the "Great Answer" spot when you meant to hit the "Flag as..." spot?
Asked by wilma | 14 responses -
Did you know that Meta and Social are no longer indexed by Google?
Asked by jrpowell | 26 responses -
Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part XV?
Asked by janbb | 681 responses -
If Jesus and Satan were jellies, who would have more lurve?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 46 responses -
What are your thoughts when an OP asks for only certain types of jellies to answer their question?
Asked by SuperMouse | 70 responses -
If stupidity were a vegetable... (only brain-dead Yahoo! subscribers answer please)
Asked by zensky | 18 responses -
If asking a question was bad, what kind of question would it be? (Fluther users only please).
Asked by harple | 28 responses -
Should we have a thread for when we meet jellies?
Asked by nikipedia from iPhone | 56 responses -
What famous person in the real world would you be be tickled to find out was a regular on fluther?
Asked by Judi | 46 responses -
What are the origins of your fluther name?
Asked by smilingheart1 | 74 responses -
Can you hear Jazz music? Is that the smell of Jazmine in the air?
Asked by Bellatrix | 48 responses -
A chips (crisps) manufacturer in the Netherlands is organising a competition to develop a new kind of the yummy potato snack. Got ideas?
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
Do people, who constantly stay on Fluther and Facebook, have addictive personalities?
Asked by john65pennington | 18 responses -
Why is it bright and Sunny2?
Asked by Tropical_Willie | 59 responses -
How to battle the incapability of 'unreading' something, or, How to prevent from reading offensive material?
Asked by rebbel | 19 responses -
Y-a-t'il un site comme Fluther en français?
Asked by submariner | 15 responses -
[NSFW if you wish] Now that you are a Fluther jelly, are there any jellies you'd like to eat?
Asked by ETpro | 13 responses -
Where is the question about the 4 year old causing the death of an elderly woman with his tricycle?
Asked by flo | 4 responses -
Do you think your S/O would recognize you on Fluther?
Asked by SuperMouse | 31 responses -
Honestly, do you give more lurve to jellies that you know?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 35 responses -
Who's that drowning in a sea of lurve?
Asked by fundevogel | 77 responses