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Is Fluther a front for the CIA?
Asked by segdeha | 1140 responses -
Have you just joined from Answer Bag?
Asked by augustlan | 540 responses -
How do you make Jelly-babies?
Asked by Austinlad | 118 responses -
Are all those those rats lining up to congo for augustlan? Holy s***, Batman! I believe she's accumulated 20K lurve!
Asked by AstroChuck | 154 responses -
How can I say this...?
Asked by Seek | 76 responses -
I would like to put all of our differences aside for one minute and wish you something.
Asked by judochop | 50 responses -
May I start an official welcome wagon for the Askville refugees?
Asked by Seek | 126 responses -
Will someone please hijack this thread?
Asked by Blondesjon | 3959 responses -
@Ben - If you don't raise the limit at which we max-out on people, I will never get to 40K?
Asked by janbb | 48 responses -
What you can get from eye contact?Is it more than sparkle?
Asked by pathfinder | 138 responses -
Can I opt out of my 10k party?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy | 56 responses -
Do you have any personal news that you'd like to share with the Jellatinous Community?
Asked by janbb | 726 responses -
Can we please opt out being notified of awards?
Asked by jrpowell | 152 responses -
Another jelly has passed away. Can we all mourn together?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 105 responses -
Buy Jeff Goldblum wafers…or don't, but I'd prefer it if you did...(10K thread!)
Asked by DominicX | 100 responses -
♥♥♥ What absolutely amazing person just hit 10K ♥♥♥?
Asked by arnbev959 | 155 responses -
Amazing that our fearless leader/mom/boss lady/whip-wielding dominatrix Augustlan has the time to participate enough to reach 40K! Are all as amazed and delighted as I?
Asked by JilltheTooth | 123 responses -
Did you know that one of our own is going in for brain surgery?
Asked by augustlan | 110 responses -
What actually happened over at AnswerBag?
Asked by wundayatta | 144 responses -
Let's all congratulate YARNLADY folks!
Asked by Saturated_Brain | 111 responses -
Have you heard the news about Cak?
Asked by SuperMouse | 113 responses -
Can the Qs on Fluther get any more nonsensical? What can we do to change this trend?
Asked by jlm11f | 396 responses -
What's your favourite interesting fact about another jelly?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 120 responses -
Am I seeing this right? Has Facade made it to 10K!
Asked by Allie | 126 responses -
Well I'll be! Guess who has checked out of her fabulous room in the 10K mansion, and is heading over to the 20K castle?
Asked by jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities | 101 responses