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20K, you say..ah, but, a wee faery has made her way to the Cnidarian mansion!
Asked by Jude | 103 responses -
May I wish everyone Happy Holidays without starting a fight, throw down or sarcastic free for all?
Asked by Naked_Homer | 73 responses -
Why are some people feeling bullied on Fluther?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 165 responses -
Even if you don't believe, why do you have to mock or put down religion? Or, why do you have to have a go at atheists?
Asked by Jude | 485 responses -
A poo-hat.
Asked by andrew | 23 responses -
What advice do you have for our answerbag refugees?
Asked by phoenyx | 197 responses -
Shall we congratulate Andrew, one of our amazing co-founders, for becoming a Privateer?
Asked by EmpressPixie | 114 responses -
Okay, Jellies, what is up with the hostile atmosphere lately?
Asked by Blueroses | 224 responses -
Why is it more common for jellies to make fun of new users for their spelling/grammar/question content, than to direct them to the guidelines?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 79 responses -
Do my eyes deceive me or do I see a blue ninja jellyfish with 20,000 lurve points?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 77 responses -
Fluther newcomers: Are you giving and receiving lurve?
Asked by marinelife | 51 responses -
10K is all the rage. Shall we welcome another into the mansion?
Asked by jonsblond | 109 responses -
Has the collective ever disappointed you?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 110 responses -
Have you seen the new blog post? If not, please read it now.
Asked by augustlan | 83 responses -
Who wants a pancake!? Welcome M. Huntington to the 10K mansion!
Asked by Allie | 55 responses -
Can I demand this as a pathetic attempt to accrue lurve?
Asked by Blondesjon | 41 responses -
Does the Big Mansion really have the sweetest Berries?
Asked by Blueroses | 68 responses -
@Anartist just crossed the line. What do you think?
Asked by YARNLADY | 58 responses -
Would you like some answers to recent questions about the moderation process?
Asked by muppetish | 182 responses -
Let's head on down the highway! Guess who got to 30K?
Asked by tedibear | 163 responses -
Please join me in welcoming our newest Baby Jellie and @whatthefluther's and my Grandson, Mason Christopher our world and to fluther.
Asked by sccrowell from iPhone | 61 responses -
Will you join me in saying goodbye?
Asked by downtide | 36 responses -
It's time to party! Lightlyseared has reached 10k!
Asked by jonsblond | 79 responses -
Would you like to support your fellow jellies with a group hug?
Asked by harple | 48 responses -
What fellow word-nerd has just reached 20K?
Asked by augustlan | 62 responses